9/11 - Page 3 


Six Hijackers Linked To Austin and Lackland AFB?

Florida Terrorist Flight School Linked To CIA Firm (3/1/02: Rense.com)
Seven of the WTC Hijackers found alive!

Hijack 'suspects' alive and well (9/23/01: BBC News)

Major Pages

911 Truth

Net Center

Physics 911

Re-Open 911

Pilots For 911 Truth

c-span.org / terrorism

Veterans for 911 Truth

The Journal of 911 Studies
ST 911

Jews Did 911

Loose Change 911

The Writings of Greg Palast

9-11 Truth Movement (disinfopedia.org)

911 Independent Commission (the family's site)

Featured Interviews and Transcripts from The Alex Jones Show

The World Trade Center Demolition and the So-Called War on Terrorism
Selected Writings of John Judge - listen to him speak on show #165 Part One and Part Two on Black Op Radio Archives and visit his site 911 Citizens Watch.

Planned Attack on Afghanistan

US 'planned attack on Taleban' (BBC News: 9/18/04) and India in anti-Taliban military plan. Then check out Stratfor.

Military Exercises Allow Event

Read the conspiracy article, The U.S. Government, Not the Hijackers, 'Chose' the Date of the 9-11 Attacks (12/13/02). Then read Shelby classified leak probe referred to ethics panel (Sacramento Bee: 7/25/04)

Then Listen to show #196 Part One, Part Two and Part Three with Michael Ruppert on  Black Op Radio Archives regarding the many military exercises being held that day that drew the planes away from the area so that they couldn't respond to stop the jets.

Conspiracy & Cover-Up Efforts

Kean and failure on 9/11

The Enemy Within By Gore Vidal

America Betrayed by NORAD on 9-11

Key Witness 'Disappears' in Venice, FL.

Gore Vidal Claims 'Bush Junta' Complicit In 911

Secret Hearings Hide 911 Terrorist Links To White House

The Enemy Within: Prior Knowledge, Intent, Documented

The Profits Of Death...Insider Trading And 911 - Part III

Why The Quiet Release Of The Doubletree 9/11 Video?

On 911 An Ill Wind Blew To Booker School (4/8/05)

Was 911 The Ultimate Black Operation? (12/7/04)
Rigorous Intuition Archives (10/30/04)

Bush's 9/11 cover up? (6/18/03: Salon.com)

Ludicrous Bin Laden porno claim harks back to CIA fakery

Narrative behind bin laden fable flip flops again

World Trade Center Steel Hauled Back to New York 

Chief 9/11 Mythmaker, Philip D. Zelikow. MUST READ! 

Stormtroopers discuss 9/11. Too funny not to share!! 

100% Proof finally of independent explosions at WTC 

Italy Ex-President - CIA And Mossad Ran 9-11 

The Sphere (between the twin towers)
THE GRAND DECEPTION: A Second Look At The War On Terrorism - part 1, 2

They Let It Happen On Purpose! 9/11 The final Dots - Top 20 LIHOP Suspects

Independent Investigation Into Pentagon Attack Yields Alarming Information

September 11th And The Bush Administration: Compelling Evidence for Complicity

UPDATE: Elementary Student Threatened With Psychiatric Evaluation After Visiting 9/11 Websites

No Hijackers For 911: Repentant arms dealer reveals disgruntled U.S. military on the verge of revolt

The Secrets of September 11: The White House is battling to keep a report on the terror attacks secret. (MSNBC)

The Secrets of September 11: The White House is battling to keep a report on the terror attacks secret. Does the 2004 election have anything to do with it? (MSNBC: 4/30/04)

Ex-CIA official quits Sept. 11 probe amid doubt over his objectivity (Los Angeles Times / The Miami Herald: 4/30/02)

We're all paranoid: Sure, the people with the 9/11 conspiracy theories are a little odd. But not everything they're saying is entirely crazy. (SF Bay Guardian)

In Mike Rupert's "Crossing the Rubicon", he documents how Bin Laden was a CIA asset, and how he was protected from capture starting back in the Clinton Administration. At times, lower-level FBI agents or even State Department officials stationed in foreign embassies, would be closing in on Bin Laden, only to be called off by superiors or to have some stupendous bungle staged. After all, he was already on the Most-Wanted list well before 9/11.


More defendants added to al-Qaeda finance suit

Ellen Mariani v. George Bush et al. - their home page is 911 for the truth.




9/11 Chair: Attack Was Preventable (CBS News: 12/17/03)

Pre-9/11 Files Show Warnings Were More Dire and Persistent (New York Times: 4/18/04)

Blowback From Foreign Policy?

Why Terrorists Hate America  


What Everyone Knew Before


Investigative Reporter Breaks Israeli 9/11 Foreknowledge: FBI refused to protect source of Ed Haas in June 2001 when he told them planes would be used to attack New York (12/7/06)

Ex-employee says FAA warned before 9/11 (11/27/06)

9/11 panel: FAA had early al Qaeda warnings (2/11/05)

Western Intel Knew bin Laden's Plan Since 1995 - German Paper (12/8/1)

Trade Center warning baffles police (10/12/01: MSNBC.com)

Why was Russia's intelligence on Al-Qaeda ignored? (10/5/01)

Project Bojinka - More Indications Of Prior US Knowledge Of Hijacker Attack Plans (9/23/1)- the dry run attempt.
The Man Who Predicted 9/11 (Robert Zoller)

U.S. warned in 1995 of plot to hijack planes, attack buildings (9/18/01: CNN)

Sources Claim US Blew Three Chances To Seize bin Laden

Echelon Gave Authorities 3 Month Warning Of Attacks - German Paper

Operation Bojinka's bombshell

Officials: Four overseas plots foiled

Bush & 911 Foreknowledge

Government Had Prior Knowledge

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