The Obama Deception
The Obama Deception HQ Full length version (2009) -

The first speaker is
Webster Tarpley.

Gerald Celente is recognized as one of the world's foremost trends forecasters; and is the founder of the Trends Research

             "People that are knowledgeable know, that this country has been waging, since its inception, is for the central
             bankers not to take over the country. And that's why people like Andrew Jackson were elected. And that's why people
             revere people like Thomas Jefferson, and others. The takeovers happen; and it's a corporate takeover."  -- Gerald Celente

             "Agents of the bank of England attempted to assassinate Andrew Jackson, on multiple occasions; because to a private
             central bank being set up in the United States."

             "And it was something that Abraham Lincoln warned. And this is, by the way, why I believe that he was assassinated.
             This is the Lincoln quote: "The money powers pray upon the nation in times of peace. And conspire against it in times
             of adversity. It is more despotic than monarchy, more insolent than autocracy, more selfish than autocracy. I see in
             the near future a crisis approaching that unnerves me and causes me to tremble for the safety of my country.
             Corporations have been enthroned. An era of corruption will follow. And the money power of the country will endeavor
             to prolong its domain by working on the prejudices of the people, until the wealth is aggregated in a few hands, and the
             republic is destroyed."" -- Webster Tarpley quoting Lincoln 

I have also seen the same quote as:

The money powers prey upon the nation in times of peace and conspire against it in times of adversity. The banking
            powers are more despotic than a monarchy, more insolent than autocracy, more selfish than bureaucracy. They
            denounce as public enemies all who question their methods or throw light upon their crimes. I have two great enemies,
            the Southern Army in front of me and the bankers in the rear. Of the two, the one at my rear is my greatest foe.

            "The Military Industrial complex, has taken over the country along with the Wall Street gang." --
Gerald Celente

            "If you look, also, at the people that Obama has put on his appointments list, it's all Wall Street. It's government of Wall
            Street, by Wall Street, and for Wall Street. There's nobody from heavy industry. There's nobody from the auto sector,
            nobody from silicon valley, nobody from big oil, nobody from defense, no labor, no women, no retirees, no small business,
            nothing. It's pure Wall Street. The only people who have a voice in Obama's councils are Wall Street finance oligarchs.
            That's all there is. Nobody else counts for anything under Obama. It's the most extreme Wall Street administration we've
            ever had."  --  
Webster Tarpley 
            "Before his death president Woodrow Wilson apologized to the public; regretting that he had been deceived by a group of
            of international bankers; and the country's financial system had fallen into their iron grip via the Federal Reserve act of

Next they give the part of Dwight D. Eisenhower's speech where he warns about the military industrial complex. Then it's stated that Kennedy was the last true president. And that he was on the verge of downsizing the Federal Reserve system. Then Henry Kissinger is shown telling how Barack Obama, because of his world wide acceptance, can be the one to sell the New World Order.

The video then goes back to Alex' recent coverage of the most recent Bilderberg meeting in Canada. There
Daniel Estulin reveals what is purported to be the plan for near future, for the rest of us, by the Bilderberg group. This was Alex' second coverage of a Bilderberg meeting. He states that they saw more than one secret service convoy into the meetings. And he says that he was assured that both of the presidential candidates, Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton were in attendance. Jim Tucker reiterates that it's a federal crime for U.S. public officials to attend such meetings.

"Writing in his 1964 book, with no apologies, Senator Barry Goldwater said, " The Trilateral Commission is intended to be the vehicle for multi-national consolidation of the commercial and banking interests, by seizing control of the political government of the United States. The Trilateral Commission represents a skillful coordinated effort to seize control and consolidate the four centers of power; political, monetary, intellectual and ecclesiastical. What the Trilateral Commission intends is to create a world wide economic power superior to the political governments of the nation states involved. As managers and creators of the system, they will rule the future."" -- Alex Jones quoting Barry Goldwater

"Bilderberg issues executive decisions, and prime directives, to sub-directorates, for implementation. The Trilateral Commission takes the Bilderberg group agenda, and executes it through regional roundtable groups throughout Europe, Asia and the Americas. The Council on Foreign Relations serves as the managing roundtable group in the United States sector. The Council on Foreign Relations has dominated every administration since the days of FDR."
"The way in which they make policy, and rule, is that they are a poly-centric oligarchical system. You have to be a finance oligarch. Remember, this is not a society ruled by generals, not by priests, not by bureaucrats, not by demagogs; none of those; but by bankers. Bankers rule. And the bankers set up these institutions. They setup up things modeled on the Royal Institute for International Affairs, Chattham House, and the Milner Round Table of the period right after the Boa Wars. So even before WWI, you had the British setting up these round tables, institutes; with publications and conferences. And this is how they make policy." --
Webster Tarpley 

"Upon Obama's inauguration, members of the Bilderberg group, Trilateral Commission, and CFR flooded into every position of power in the executive branch; replacing Trilateral Commission and CFR members who previously filled the positions during the Bush administration."  -- Alex Jones

"When you look at the U.S. ruling class, you'd have to say that they're really a pathetic bunch of failures and bunglers. They are a miserable excuse for a ruling class. And that's one of the big problems that we have; is that you go from Clinton, to to Bush, to Obama. What stays the same is the ruling elite that gives these puppets the orders that they act on. And these orders are, uhh, wrong headed, let's say; to say the least. They're basically bankrupt. They're going to lead the collapse of this civilization. What they're doing, is using the existences of the United States, as a formerly powerful nation state, to act out their Wall Street fantasies of World domination and maintaining their capital structures and maintaining their system of looting. And this can't be done. So, the basic question is... They've hijacked our country. And you've got to take it back from them. You've got to drive Wall Street out of the government. And, at that point, you have a reasonable chance of getting back the prosperity; and some type of peace and order in international affairs." --
Webster Tarpley

"They have created a power elite. We're not talking about the millionaire down the street. You can't even be a member of their club, unless you're a multi-billionaire. And, friends, this is not about rich versus poor. This is about a very, very small handful of the worst criminal element on this planet; manipulating, and destroying, the good people of this nation, and of this world."  --  George Humphrey
                                                                  Author, Economist    

"...about this Obama would change. Look at the people he's put in; to mastermind the economic recovery. Larry Summers; I love it. Every time they talk about Larry Summers, he's always brilliant. He's another brilliant one. He's the one that helped dismantle the
Glass-Stiegel Act; the banking act that was put in place in the 1930s so the banks couldn't become the bankers they've become."  --  Gerald Celente

"In the 1990s, you had the beginning of the derivatives bubble; thanks to people like Alan Greenspan; Ruben Summers. A lot of the people that are back in the Obama administration. And, the derivatives, I think, are the centerpiece of this entire problem today."  -- 
Webster Tarpley

"These are the same people; Geithner, from the Treasury Department... Could you imagine that? Now we have the U.S. treasury secretary, who is also a Robert Ruben protégé, of the Larry Summers group, that dismantled
Glass-Stiegel, and broke apart the regulations that prohibited the bankers and brokerages from becoming these criminals. He was the former president of the New York Federal Reserve!? And now he's our Treasury Secretary!? As we all know, the Federal Reserve is as federal as Federal Express. It's a private bank. And now we've put this guy in charge of it!? Wall Street has hijacked Washington in broad daylight."  --  Gerald Celente

"Every single one of his appointments support the status quo. Every one of his appointments are there to screw the American people. Every single one of his appointments are people who are working to bring down the republic and the constitution of this country."   --   George Humphrey
                                                                     Author, Economist                                                                        

SECRETARY OF TREASURY Timothy Geithner Bilderberg Group; Trilateral Commission
SECRETARY OF STATE Hillary Clinton Bilderberg Group; Council on Foreign Relations; Married to Trilateral Commission member, William Jefferson Clinton
AMBASSADOR TO THE UNITED NATIONS Susan Rice Trilateral Commission
NATIONAL SECURITY ADVISOR Gen. James L. Jones Bilderberg Group; Council on Foreign Relations; Trilateral Commission
DEPUTY NATIONAL SECURITY ADVISOR  Thomas Donilon Trilateral Commission; Council on Foreign Relations
STATE DEPARTMENT SPECIAL ENVOY Henry Kissinger Bilderberg Group; Trilateral Commission; Council on Foreign Relations
CHAIRMAN, ECONOMIC RECOVERY COMMITTEE Paul Volcker Bilderberg Group; Trilateral Commission; Council on Foreign Relations
DIRECTOR OF NATIONAL SECURITY Admiral Dennis C. Blair Bilderberg Group; Trilateral Commission; Council on Foreign Relations
SECRETARY OF DEFENSE Robert Gates Bilderberg Group; Trilateral Commission; Council on Foreign Relations
DEPUTY SECRETARY OF STATE James Steinberg Bilderberg Group; Trilateral Commission; Council on Foreign Relations                                                  
STATE DEPARTMENT SPECIAL ENVOY Richard M. Haass Bilderberg Group; Trilateral Commission; President of the CFR
PRESIDENTIAL ADVISOR Alan Greenspan Bilderberg Group; Trilateral Commission; President of the CFR
STATE DEPARTMENT SPECIAL ENVOY Richard C. Holbrooke Bilderberg Group; Trilateral Commission; President of the CFR 

Many other promises that president Obama made, but where he did the opposite, such as renewing the usage of renditions, are mentioned; including footage where he made the promise on some of these. One of these is the promise to bring the troops in Iraq home immediately. Now it's over an extended period; not immediately.

"The people of the United States and the world were filled with hope that Obama was the real deal, when in his first week in office he signed an executive order supposedly closing Guantanamo Bay, and other secret prisons. Then the press had a chance to actually read the executive order; and were shocked to find, that the executive order said that Obama was only thinking about closing Guantanamo in a year. Worst of all, the executive order continued the practice of rendition; which the LA Times called, "secret abductions."  --  Alex Jones
"Obama is now continuing the practice of secret arrests, secret prisons, and most importantly, indefinite detention without trial. When a British high court said that it was preparing to release secret British and U.S. torture orders, that prove, that the Bush administration was ordering personnel to systematically abuse detainees, Barack Obama threatened to cut off all U.S. intelligence ties to England. To add insult to injury, he stated that the program was important to national security; not only endorsing Bush's crime, but continuing them."  --  Alex Jones

                 Next it points out that Obama promised to rid Washington D.C. of all lobbyists if he were elected president. The video next details the numerous lobbyists who have been put into power by Obama. Executive bonuses are the next topic of discussion.

"Within one month of the passage of the first banker bailout bill, the press reported that over 5 trillion dollars had just
disappeared out of the U.S. Treasury. By December the amount of money that had been stolen had reached 8.5 trillion. The leadership of both political parties circled the wagons; and would not discuss where the money had gone."  --  Alex Jones   

Next protest rallies, outside the Federal Reserve are shown.

"In 1913 the Federal Reserve Act was passed; Florida house, where 3 members were on the floor. At that time, they only needed a majority of votes to pass it. So, in 1913, the Federal Reserve Act was passed. 20 years later, (in) 1933, under Roosevelt, the United States was declared bankrupt. And in 1933 the Federal Reserve, (a) private bank, says, ok U.S.A., what're ya gonna pledge as collateral on the debt you owe me? What happened by 1936? Does anybody know? We instituted (the) Social Security system. And you and I, and our children, and our children's children were pledged as collateral on the debt of our government to the Federal Reserve. And that's where we're at today. It took 20 years to make this country bankrupt. And since then, our government has operated under emergency powers of our government. It is not the president that makes the decision(s) in this country. It's the Secretary of Treasury, who turns around, and is put in there by the Federal Reserve, to manage the bankruptcy. We've been in bankruptcy ever since. So to print 700 billion dollars, and to give it away... How do they get away with it?  The manager of the bankruptcy is told by the Federal Reserve, this is the way to go. So that's where we're at today."                                                                                                                                --   Wayne Paul
                                                                                                                                              Brother of Rep. Ron Paul

"We should point out, that Ron Paul has a huge amount of sponsors for a bill, in the House of Representatives, to abolish the private Federal Reserve crime syndicate."    --   Alex Jones

"In 1913, the money power of the country was taken away from the people. By constitutional privilege it belongs to the Congress. But it was given up, in the Federal Reserve Act. The Federal Reserve is no more federal than Federal Express. But yet it has the power to determine the direction of use of money in our economy. If we could take that power back and put the Federal Reserve under Treasury we start to be in a position of being able to control monetary policy; on behalf of the American people."   --   Dennis Kucinich

"The Federal Reserve is totally private. And Alan Greenspan, two weeks ago, on PBS, on Lehrer News Hour, said, on record, that they are above the law, the Congress, the President, everyone. No court can do anything. We run America."  --   Alex Jones 

"What is the proper relationship... What should be the proper relationship between the chairman of the Fed. and a a president of the United States?  --  Neil Lehrer

"First of all, the Federal Reserve is an independent agency. And that means that, basically that, there is no other agency of government which can overrule the actions that we take. So long as that is in place, and there is no
evidence that the administration, or that the Congress, or anybody else, is requesting that we do anything other
than what we think is the appropriate thing, then, what the relationships are, don't frankly matter." 
                                                                                                                          --  Alan Greenspan                         

"Notice what Greenspan is saying. Greenspan is saying (that) the Fed is beyond the law. And in reality, they are, in practice, beyond the law. Nobody, as far as I know, has ever audited the Federal Reserve. One of the first things we ought to do, when we nationalize the Fed, is go in there and find out the audit. Who stole money. Who engaged in corruption. There's a whole series of people going back to Volker, to Greenspan, to Bernanke, and so forth..."                                                                                                             --  Webster Tarpley

"Think of the arrogance, of (a) private group of banks that have bankrupted the nation by design, so they can repo the country; a private group of banks who loaned us our own money back, are telling us they're above the law. You are not above the law criminals.  No one is above the law. And the Federal Reserve, sure as hell, isn't either."                                                                                                                                       --   Alex Jones  

"Since the founding of the Federal Reserve, back under Woodrow Wilson, the Federal Reserve has struck out three times. They didn't stop the crash of 1929. They didn't stop the banking panic of 1932 - 1933. And now they are the CAUSE of the derivatives crisis because they are the ones who inflicted derivatives on the world with Alan
Greenspan."                                                                                                            --  Webster Tarpley
"Instead of our economy being about goods and services and real products, and manufacturing, it's all about, these guys; the private Federal Reserve, that masquerades as a government entity; who controls the issuance of currency and credit. They are the ones that have cut off the liquidity in the market. They told us, have a debt based economy. Then they cut it off once they get us under their thumb; and implode the economy so they can consolidate it. And that's what they're doing right now. It's in their own documents. It's in their own statements. They claim, give us unlimited power. give us trillions of dollars for the banker bailout bill, that's already 5 trillion dollars, not 850 billion as they say; and we'll get the economy rolling. But they're hoarding the money, and buying up other banks that aren't part of the Federal Reserve; buying up insurance companies, buying up roads, infrastructures, media empires, defense contractors. What the banks do is, they implode an economy, by cutting off, uhh, credit. And then once things really fall to a low, and they know the low, because... Then they buy everything up, and then start, then, putting money back into the economy; and then they build it back up. So they build us up, then shear us, build us up, then shear us. And they're getting ready... All over the world they're always shearing some country; imploding it. It comes out in their own IMF and World Bank documents. That's just the foreign arm of the same cartel."    
                                                                                                                             --   Alex Jones  

"And these are the same people who claim to be the saviors of the economy; the people who have created every important crisis in the past 100 years; the Federal Reserve. It's illegal. It's unconstitutional. And it's a failure. And I think the failure is what everybody can see right now."                          --  Webster Tarpley

"Up until about the Kennedy assassination, and the beginning of the war in Vietnam, the United States is a very powerful engine for world progress. It's the assassinations, the Kennedy assassination, and the others in the 1960s, the beginning of the Vietnam war, and the beginning of the absolute domination of the Wall Street group over every other interest. Nobody else counts except the Wall Street money masters. That has now made the United States into no longer a force for progress; but something very different; often a force for destruction in the world. That doesn't need to remain that way. The interest of the American people is to fight; to take your government back from Wall Street, and make the United States a force for progress in the World; which we could easily do; if we could just break the power of the people behind Obama."                                                    -- Webster Tarpley

"The main banks of Europe, which were started by Adam Weishaupt and Rothschild, the Bank National de Paris, the Bank of England, the Bank of Italy, have all financed the Messianic, and war leaders, of the past 200 years; Napoleon, Lenin, Stalin. They backed Adolph Hitler. They backed Franklin Delano Roosevelt. And they are backing, right now, Barack Obama."  

"The Banking Cartel had established a beach head in 1913 with the Federal Reserve Act. In 1947 they set up a parallel shadow government through the National Security Act (of 1947). From 47 on the national security state began the long process of absorbing federal and state beaurocracies; while at the same time undermining the constitutional power of Congress and dominating the Executive Branch.

By controlling the issuance of currency and credit, the private Federal Reserve was able to buy up most of the Fortune 500. And if a company wouldn't sell, bankers would unleash federal regulators who would run them out of business.       

Private central banks in Europe, the United States and England, took taxpayer money and loaned it, at over 30 percent interest, to third world nations. The bankers would then bribe the leaders of those countries not to pay back the loans. Their third world puppets would sign agreements stating, that when the country defaulted, the banks would be given all the natural resources, and infrastructure of the once sovereign lands. But worst of all, the countries would pledge future taxes, paid by the people, in perpetuity, as profit to the private banks. By the year 2000 there were few nations that had not fallen to the designs of the money power.         

The globalists are now ready to start their final phase of world government takeover; the destruction of the western nation's economies. To carry out their final takeover, they first removed banking regulations; like the Glass-Steagall Act in the late 1990s. This allowed their front companies to issue unlimited credit to the world; and to setup colossal Ponzi schemes the likes of which the world has never seen.    

The scams were advertized by the corporate controlled media as completely legitimate. Because of the fantastic returns, private investors, corporations, state and local governments invested heavily. They had taken the bait, hook, line and sinker.

To destroy confidence, in late 2007, the bankers themselves began to bad mouth the scams they had created. Next the central bankers cut of the tsunami of fiat money they had been using to pump up the bubble. When Congress and the public refused to write the finance oligarchs a blank check, the bankers began to engage in financial terrorism. They said, that the world would go into another great depression, unless their demands were met; further destroying confidence.              

The stock market instantly had its biggest one day loss in history. But even that wasn't enough to cause Congress to capitulate to the offshore banks. Senator Inhof, of Oklahoma, and Congressman Brad Sherman, of California, amongst others, told the world that the entire Congress had been threatened with martial law by the White House and the Treasury Department if they didn't pass the so called banker bailout bill."  --    Alex Jones

"The only way they can pass this bill, is by creating, and sustaining, a panic atmosphere. That atmosphere is not justified. Many of us were told in private conversations, that if we voted against this bill, on Monday, that the sky would fall; the market would drop two or three thousand points the first day, another couple thousand the second day. And a few members were told, that there would be martial law in America if we voted no. That's what I call fear mongering; unjustified."                                                    --  Congressman Brad Sherman, of California

"The final version of the bill was kept secret from Congress until minutes before the vote. On October, 3rd 2008 the Federal Reserve had promised total transparency; that every dime would be accounted for."  --   
Alex Jones

Some excerpts of a Barack Obama speech supporting the plan is shown.
"After its passage, the public learned with horror, that the bill was really a financial coupe de ta by Wall Street. The bill didn't just give 700 Billion dollars to the banks. It was a blank check. And as of February 2009, $9.7 Trillion has disappeared into a black hole."                                                               --    Alex Jones

Shown related article - U.S. Taxpayers Risk $9.7 Trillion on Bailout Programs (Update1)(2/9/09: Bloomberg)

"Within 24 hours of its passage, Secretary of Treasury, Henry Paulson said, they were no longer use the money to unfreeze the mortgage market by buying bad debt."                        --    Alex Jones

Henry Paulson is shown letting everyone know that he's not sorry for changing strategy.
"Paulson has, in the mean time, admitted, that the sub-prime mortgage crisis is not the cause, really, of the breakdown of the entire world banking system; and the bankruptcy of most of the banks in London and in, uhh, in Wall Street. He said were going to buy up toxic assets. But we're not going to worry about sub-prime mortgages. What he's talking about is derivatives. Derivatives are the center of the crisis."       -- Webster Tarpley

"He went on to say that, where the money was going, was a secret."        --    Alex Jones

Shown related article - Fed Refuses to Disclose Recipients of $2 Trillion (Update2)(12/12/08: Bloomberg)

""I believe that banking institutions are more dangerous to our liberties than standing armies. If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around [the banks] will deprive the people of all property until their children wake-up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered. The issuing power should be taken from the banks and restored to the people, to whom it properly belongs."               -- Thomas Jefferson (Third President of the United States)

A couple of Congressmen are shown grilling Mr. Kashari.

"Throughout its passage, President Bush and Senator Obama worked in tandem to get Congress to pass the bill; without even having time to read it; despite the fact that in major poles 98% of the American people were against the bill. The leadership in both parties were for it."          --    Alex Jones

Nancy Pelosi is shown commending Barack Obama regarding the passage of this bill. Rom Emanuel then follows with his praise of Mr. Obama.

"Bank heads then bragged to the press that they were hoarding the bailout money; and using it to buy up smaller, healthy, banks and insurance companies. Their plan was working like a charm.

Next, the central bankers loaned the federal government, back, 787 Billion dollars of our own money, at interest, for President Obama's so called stimulus package. And just like the banker bailout, Congress was given less than an hour to read a 10070 plus page stimulus bill. Barack Obama, who had pledged on the campaign trail, to wait five days before a bill was voted on, so that Congress, and the people, would have a chance to read it, said that the stimulus package was too important; and that it had to be passed before anybody could see it or read it; because the crisis would turn into a catastrophe."                                                                 --    Alex Jones

Banks Weighing Other Uses for Bailout Money: Some May Put It Toward Acquisitions (10/22/08: Washington Post) is shown.

Part of Obama's speech, regarding the bill, is shown.

"After its Friday passage, in gangster fashion, President Barack Obama took a four day vacation; and said that there was no rush to sign it."                                                                                                   --    Alex Jones  

WHAT'S THE RUSH?: 'URGENT' $TIMULUS ON HOLD FOR BAM'S WEEKEND OFF (2/15/09: Washington Post) is shown.

"The spending bill was really a takeover bill; designed to further federalize the states; and to pay off rich donors that had donated to both parties. As the world slid deeper into depression , the bankers celebrated the fire sale that they had created.

With their access to unlimited fiat capitol, they could buy up vast sectors of the world economy not already controlled by them. For over a century the Anglo-American establishment had worked to bring the world's system to this point; artificially engineered global bankruptcy.

In an address before the Trilateral Commission, in June of 1991, David Rockefeller laid out the elite's ultimate goal."
                                                                                                                            --    Alex Jones

"The super-national sovereignty of an intellectual elite and world bankers is surely preferable to the national auto-determination practiced in past centuries."                                              --    David Rockefeller

"Now that the bankers held the world hostage, they issued their ultimatum. The only solution to restart the world economy, would be to set up a planetary government."                        --    Alex Jones  

We Need a Bank Of the World: The financial crisis is global, and only an international central bank can deal with it. (10/25/08: Newsweek) is shown.
New World Order (2/05/09; TIME: Business & Tech) is also shown.

"Ruled by a new bank of the world; by them. Suddenly, hundreds of publications announced the solution, the people's only salvation. Time magazine, in an article titled, The "New World Order" said that the new super bank would control the world's currency and set interest rates; and that the new bank would "knock the heads of bad countries;" like the United States. At a meeting of central bank heads and finance ministers, dubbed Bretton Woods II, the plan for world government was unveiled by the very bankers that had engineered the collapse. Formerly sovereign countries would now pay their taxes directly to the banking cartel. Hundreds of new carbon taxes, controlling every facet of human activity, would only be the beginning."                        --    Alex Jones

Dodd favors corporate tax for emissions: Estimated $50 billion tax revenues used to develop renewable energies (4/19/07: MSNBC) is shown.

"Hundreds of new carbon taxes, controlling every facet of human activity, would only be the beginning."                                                                         --    Alex Jones    

Taxing Us for Breathing (3/9/07) is shown.

"Now, all the elite had to do was sell the public on their final takeover. And it was Obama's job to sucker the public into standing down so the banker's agenda can move forward unhindered.  

Never before in U.S. history, has the media gotten behind a president, like they are behind Obama. The media has pulled out all the stops; bestowing a crown of infallibility upon Obama as the savior of the people. The elite are betting everything they've got on Obama's charisma; and hoping that he can sell the world on their program of tyranny."                                                                            --    Alex Jones   

A snippet from Obama's Berlin speech, and other public discourse, is shown; including his calling for a new "world order that we'd all like to see."

"In truth, Obama is not simply continuing George W. Bush's policies. He is radically expanding them."

"Now we will reveal what Barack Obama, and his cohorts, true agenda is. Number one, bring the United States under the complete regulatory control of a private offshore super bank known as the bank of the world."  
                                                                                            --    Alex Jones    

We Need a Bank Of the World: The financial crisis is global, and only an international central bank can deal with it. (10/25/08: Newsweek) is shown a second tme.
EPA expected to act in regulating carbon dioxide (11/9/09) is also shown.
"More than a hundred new taxes are being developed under the umbrella of curbing greenhouse gases. The new taxes will be paid directly to the banking consortium."    --    Alex Jones

Farmers Panic About a ‘Cow Tax’ (12/1/08: NY Times) is shown.

" At the producer level, taxes will be paid on farm animal's flatulence. At the consumer level, there will be carbon taxes on all forms of meat. beef, poultry, pork and fish. All cars will be fitted with satellite tracking boxes that will track driving by the mile. And an added tax will be placed on all fossil fuels, including motor oil and natural gas. All plastic products will have a carbon tax added. Outdoor space heaters and fireplaces are to be taxed. All electricity produced by coal powered plants will be taxed. Under the cap and trade system, citizens will be forced to pay taxes on thousands of products, to private cap and trade services owned by Al Gore and other elitists. There will be taxes on light bulbs, water, trash pickup, air travel, train travel. Bus, ship, medicine, steel production, mining, clothing, laundry, asphalt are just a few of the taxes to be levied."    --    Alex Jones     

Many articles are displayed, along with the testimony of Webster Tarpley, which all dispute the notion of global warming as it's typically thought of.

After less than a week in office, Barack Obama's approval rating plunges 15 points (1/26/09) is shown.
"Number two, the social engineers are fully aware, that the Obama craze will wear off quickly. So they are racing to put in place the most repressive police state control grid in human history."    --    Alex Jones       
Pentagon Plans To Keep 20,000 Troops Inside US To Bolster Domestic Security (11/30/08) is shown.

"20 thousand, battle hardened regular army, troops are now being deployed to patrol the streets of the United States."                                                                                                                              --    Alex Jones       

Brigade homeland tours start Oct. 1: 3rd Infantry’s 1st BCT trains for a new dwell-time mission. Helping ‘people at home’ may become a permanent part of the active Army (9/30/08: Army Times) is shown.
"FEMA is now building giant camps in every region of the country. And the Congress has introduced bills, like The National Emergency Centers Act HR645, which merges local governments, and the police, under federal control."
                                                                                                                                              --    Alex Jones                

New Legislation Authorizes FEMA Camps In U.S.: “National emergency centers” on military bases to house American citizens (1/27/09) is shown.
"And as we all know, that have watched these things, they're ready for the riots; with these detention centers that are being opened up around the country; with state police training for riot control, in the event of economic calamity and food riots. They know what's going on. And they're prepared for it. So people aught to also prepare for it also. Anyone that's not prepared for what's going to happen, they deserve what they're going to get. Because there's enough information out there pointing to the problems. And they should take all precautionary action. " 
                                                                                                                                           --     Gerald Celente

Defense Department Establishes Civilian Expeditionary Workforce (1/27/09) is shown.

"Next, Obama ordered the defense department to issue DOD Directive 1404.10; establishing a one million person civilian army; under his control. Simultaneously Obama launched USASERVICE.ORG. The new website deceptively masquerades as a federal agency. But in reality, is a recruiting tool, building a separate, completely private, army, outside of government; that takes orders directly from Obama's controllers. Barack Obama has refused to rescind presidential directive 51, signed by George W. Bush. The directive plainly states, the president is a dictator, and that congress is ceremonial."                                                                                                   --    Alex Jones    

"We cannot continue to rely only on our military, in order to achieve the national security objectives we've set. We got to have a civilian national security force, that's just as powerful, just as strong, just as well funded."
                                                                                                                                                --    Barack Obama

"President Obama and his chief of staff, Rohm Emanuel, have repeatedly stated, on the record, that all Americans, below the age of 64, will be forcibly constricted into federal service."                                 --    Alex Jones

"Citizenship is not an entitlement program. It comes with responsibilities. Everybody somewhere between the ages of 18 and 25 will serve three months of basic training and understanding in a kind of civil defense." --  Rahm Emanuel

"It doesn't have to be a service in uniform. One of the things that, if you talk to our Generals, they are desperate for, is a civilian, uh, counterpart, to our military forces."                                                 --    Barack Obama

"So, is this compulsory then?" -- interviewer
"You have to, uh, in a sense, it's required of everybody; 18 to 25, three months. And, at some time, at that point, you do it." --  Rahm Emanuel

"If you have a demagogue, with a fanatical mass movement, of personality cultists, who is imposing the program of a group of extreme bankers and finance oligarchs, that's fascism."                       --    Webster Tarpley

"Obama's transition site,, proclaimed that middle school and high school students would be forced to serve the federal government."                                                                                      --    Alex Jones    

"Fascism is gutter up, streets up, hooligans, thugs, fervently idealistic students, swarming adolescents; just the kind of thing you see around Obama; the way you get a population to enslave itself when the police and the army are no longer enough to do that. If you're a left liberal it's time for you to open your eyes to that."  --    Webster Tarpley

"All young Americans between the ages of 18 and 24 will be conscripted into a paramilitary domestic security force. If Obama has his way, adults and seniors will also be forced into other forms of service; for the betterment of the homeland.   


"Obama operatives in the Congress have introduced more than 10 bills that would end the 2nd amendment as we know it. HR 1022 would allow the new attorney general, Erick Holder, the dictatorial power to ban any gun he wishes at will. In 2008, before the Supreme Court, in the D.C. gun ban case, District of Columbia vs. Heller, Holder argued for the complete disarmament of the American people; and that only the military should own firearms." 
                                                                                                                            --    Alex Jones    

Congress' plan would let AG 'ban guns at will': 2nd Amendment critics are 'ready to run wild' (1/6/09) is shown.

"HR 257 would ban all youth shooting sports; including YMCA and youth Olympic shooting clubs. HR 45 would force all gun owners to undergo federal psychological screening, registration and testing, to keep their firearms.

White House chief of staff, Rahm Emanuel, has proposed the extra-judicial banning of any American on the fraudulent no fly list from owning any firearm."                                      --    Alex Jones

"That is, if you are on the no fly list, because you are known as maybe a possible terrorist, you cannot by a handgun in America."                                                                                                    --  Rahm Emanuel

"Over 25,000 Americans are added, each month,  to the no fly list; which numbers over a million people who have not been charged or convicted of any crime."                                                --    Alex Jones

Terrorist watch list at airports tops 1 million names (7/15/08) is shown.
Air marshals' names tagged on 'no-fly' list (4/29/08) is also shown.

Next is featured a five year old boy, from Normandy Park, that is treated as if he is a terrorist, at the Seattle-Tacoma (SEATAC) airport, because his name appears on this no-fly list.


"The President, Congress, and the FCC, have announced plans to not only curtail speech on talk radio and newspapers, but to also regulate speech on the internet through the Orwellian fairness doctrine."
                                                                                                                            --    Alex Jones

Talk radio: The return of 'fairness'? (2/11/09) is shown.

"The Obama machine is also pressuring Congress to pass draconian hate speech laws that will eviscerate the first amendment.                                           


Ruin Your Health With the Obama Stimulus Plan: Betsy McCaughey (2/9/09: Bloomberg) is shown.

"Modeled after the British system, this includes rationing care, and restricting what procedures the handicapped and elderly are eligible for.


So we're taking your phone calls, seeing what you think of Barack H. Obama. Is he a Judas goat? Is he a front man? Is he a betrayer? Let's go to Anthony in Georgia. Anthony, what's your take on Barack Obama?"  --    Alex Jones

"They put the face of Barack Obama as, uh, part of, their public relations; because, uh, it's like in the old folk tales about vampires. A vampire cannot force his way into somebody's house. It's against some kind of metaphysical law. So, the vampire has to persuade the resident of the household to open the door and invite him in. So when they look out the peep hole at Barack Obama, which looks like them, and appears to be on their side. They're going to say, there's my ally. Let me open the door and let this person in.

Barack Obama, is just, of course, is just a front man, for the American empire; where he's going to have the entire U.S. Navy, the entire U.S. Army, and the entire U.S. Marines under Afrikom command. And, of course, he's going to turn it into a new Iraq. And he's going to turn it into a new Afghanistan. Every operation that you see going on in Iraq and Afghanistan, is going to propagate to the poor countries of Africa."                                 --    Anthony of Georgia

"Obama basically does, uh, a couple of things. One is, again, this idea, kick the Chinese out of Africa. Kick them out of Sudan where they get oil. Kick them out of Zimbabwe where they get materials. Start a civil war Congo, another big source of raw materials. Al Quaeda, an arm of the U.S. intelligence community, is now active in Algeria, Tunisia, Morocco. You've got a destabilization going on in Kenya around Odinga. That's Obama's cousin. This is a guy who has two, uh, children. They're Obama's niece and, uh, well, nephew; in a broad sense. And one of them is named Raul and the other one is named Winnie, after Winnie Mandela; who did the necklacing and political assassinations in South Africa. So this Odinga is, essentially, a CIA destabilizing operation in Kenya. And he's got a Odinga Islamic alliance to crush the Christians in Kenya. But this also reaches into, uh, Ethiopia. It reaches into Uganda, Congo, Tanzania; and a whole bunch of other countries in that region. So all of Africa is a battlefield, in flames, between the U.S. and the  Chinese; with Obama leading the charge to kick the Chinese out; for geopolitical reasons."  --    Webster Tarpley



He is also accelerating the transfer of remaining federal authority to unelected quasi-governmental bodies like the World Trade Organization.          


This is critical to the globalist master plan. Because in four to eight years, Obama must take the blame, as Bush did, for the New World Order's horrific agenda. At that point, the elite will put in a new puppet in the ceremonial seat of power; and build him up as the savior; only to tear them down again. And so the process is repeated, over and over. 

For their program to work, it is essential that the people not learn that the presidency is now nothing more than theatre. Because, if they did, people would stop looking at the pawns, and start looking for the King. Through this system of deceit, the elite's criminal agenda can continue forever. Because the people waste all of the political energy debating the media spectacle; instead of investigating the globalist agenda.   


But the overlords have many salesmen. His most important function is to protect the criminal oligarchs from prosecution while they loot the economy worldwide, start new wars, and engage in torture.  

In summation, Barack Obama is a Madison Avenue created fad. All of the crazed Obama worship, being pushed by the corporate media, is scientifically designed to capture the public in a net of pier pressure mass euphoria. If the New World Order can just distract the public for a few more years, the elite can finish constructing their police state control grid.                                                                                                        --    Alex Jones     

"A lot of times we don't want to know the issue. We don't want to know the issue. We feel... What do you call this thing where you feel this false sense of gratification; because a black man is in office, everything's going to be alright. No everything's not going to be alright. Until you look into the agenda of what the Democratic party has been about, is about, and will be about, regardless if Barack is the President or not. And that's real."   
                                                                                                                                 --  Professor Griff
                                                                                                                                       Founding Member, Public Enemy

"Barack Obama is the perfect Trojan horse. He makes the people feel like they finally have a place at the table; even as he betrays them. Sadly, many Obama supporters can't see what's right in front of their faces; because they've already invested their very identity in this artificially created cult movement.

Throughout history it has happened over and over again. People turn their intellect over to cult of personality mass movements. It's happening again."                                                                --    Alex Jones       

Video and o stills of Hitler, Mao Tse Tung, and Stalin are displayed.
"The evidence presented in this film is documented fact. And those who ignore what history has taught us, do so at the peril of us all. As frightening as the information in this film is, there are many things we can do to stop the globalist agenda in its tracks.
First, we expose the cult of Obama for what it is; a sad hoax. Next, realize that we're all being propagandized 24/7. Investigate all information for yourself; be it the media, political parties, or this film. Be aware of the tricks the elite use; like the staging of false flag terror attacks and other crises. Rediscover the Constitution and Bill of Rights. Promote a culture of true liberty. 

There is a reason the internationalists are attempting to destroy the sovereignty of all 50 states. They know it is one of the biggest threats to their domination. The federal government has been completely hijacked by foreign interests. More than 25 states have recognized this fact, and are moving to block the New World Order at the state level by declaring their 10th Amendment powers.

But most important of all, there's a huge awakening taking place in the United States, and across the world; against the globalist agenda. Free people everywhere are joining together and saying NO to corruption and tyranny; and NO to world government."                                                                                      --    Alex Jones 

"Well, we don't have to look back thousands or even hundreds of years to see how dangerous this present day situation is. We can look back to Bolshevik Russia to see the takeover by the Bolsheviks talking about the people's revolution, talking about the positive change. Lenin came in and then Stalin. The fact is, that over 40 million Russians, between 1925 and 1940, good Russians, people who were Christians, people who had their own businesses, people who were educated, they were exterminated; because they had their own business, because they were educated, because they believed in God's law.  

We can look over at Germany. Germany was in a very very terrible economic situation. And this very charismatic leader, called Adolph Hitler, comes in. He, he, he makes the roads goods. He promises a better life for the people. And within 10 years you see a completely nationalized, centralized, dictatorial situation; where millions and millions of people were exterminated.  

And then we can go to Maoist China. Mao came in. He promised change. He promised a better life. And within 5 years, 60 million Chinese were exterminated. They don't teach that. They don't teach that in the schools these days. And it wasn't that long ago. And I pray, pray, pray to God, that this will not happen in the United States. And the way it won't happen is if you, and your friends, and all of us together take action to say no. This country is too precious. it's too wonderful. It's too good of a place to lay down as a victim."        --  Unknown speaker

"Greatness can arise; once we break the shackles of the government that's hold us back. One thing that America has more than any other country is an entrepreneurial spirit. One thing we have, more than any other country, is the ability to be innovators. You know if I was born in Italy I wouldn't be the trend forecaster that I am today; because I would have been locked into a culture of thinking one way. We have that freedom of expression and freedom of thought that can free us to create greatness again; if, if Big Brother doesn't come down on us harder."  
                                                                                                                                --    Gerald Celente 

"Human kind is at a historic crossroads. The forces of globalism are marching towards absolute despotism. Look in the mirror. Count the cost, and decide. Are you going to let history repeat itself? Or, will you stand tall with freedom lovers everywhere; and stop the completion of a world dictatorship?"   --    Alex Jones 

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