How Hypnosis Works
by Tom Harris

Hypnosis is the art of
talking someone into relaxing both their body and the conscious part of their
MIND to the point where their subconscious mind is more open to suggestions of a
positive nature. It refers to helping somebody put themselves into a state of
mind similar to sleeping; but in which your conscious mind is almost always
still aware of everything that is going on. MORE ALONG THIS LINE
How many sessions does your technique usually take; and what
kinds of problems is hypnotherapy used for?
Should I use hypnosis for my problem?
How does disease manifest?
How does your unique technique work?
Will it be hard for me to go into the hypnotic state?
Will I lose consciousness?
Will I remember what happened while I was in the hypnotic
Will I have any problems coming out of the hypnotic state?
How will I feel when I come out from under the influence of
being hypnotized?
Can the therapist get me to do something against my will while
I'm under?
If I don't believe hypnosis is a real state of mind will it
still work?
What does the Bible say about reincarnation?

Is hypnosis a reliable method of recalling memories?

Hypnosis -- Your Questions Answered!®
Ken Saichek, FCH, Ph.D.
Answers to other questions by Dr. Bruce Goldberg,
Author of Past Lives Future Lives,