“The California
Public Health Dept. holds a hearing. A Frequency Instrument had been
provided for testing to the Palo Alto Detection Lab., the Kalbfeld
Lab., the UCLA Medical Lab. and the San Diego Testing Lab. All
declared that it was safe to use. Result: The AMA Board under the
Calif. Director of Public Health, Dr. Malcolm Merrill declares it
unsafe and bans it from the market.” – these are excerpts from
Royal Raymond Rife, A Timeline
...the defence would undoubtedly take the
opportunity to introduce evidence such as the 1934 medical study done
with USC. The last thing in the world that the pharmaceutical industry
wanted was a public trial about a painless therapy that cured 100% of
the terminal cancer patients and cost nothing to use but a little
electricity. It might give people the idea that they didn't need drugs.