
News & Trends

Nine Web sites IT pros should master in 2009 (1/12/09)

Microsoft offers commerce tools to FrontPage users. (infoworld.com)

Extreme Programming (XP) - first started in 1996 by Kent Beck, now of Three Rivers Institute, in Merlin, Ore., it is best explained by reading this recent Dallas Morning News article "Hand-to-hand teamwork".

Web Site Promotion

Submission 2000 Add Me.com
How to Juice Up a Site's Rank (4/27/06: Washington Post)

The Art Of Business Web Site Promotion has "tips and secrets on registering your site at the top of the search engines like Yahoo! and Google, as well as a general marketing guide."

FrontPage Tips

Web Project Requirements for Windows XP

Editing ASP Files with Microsoft FrontPage 2000

® Knowledge Base Articles on Microsoft FrontPage
Microsoft FrontPage Server Extensions Resource Kit

Administration of the Microsoft FrontPage Server Extensions

Proxy Server Setup for Schoolsnet and FrontPage Intranet

IIS Informant: Configuring FrontPage Server Extensions


A Macromedia Dreamweaver Tutorial Tables

Tune Up Your HTML

W3C's: Link Checker
Tune Up Your Webpage free at The Web Site Garage

Bobby - the leading website accessibility technology
Web Site Tune-Up: 37 Tools and Tips

Clean up your Web pages with HTML TIDY - a simple tutorial
Dr. Watson will analyze your web pages for glitches. If you have a really big page it won't deal with it though.

W3C HTML Validation Service - checks documents like HTML and XHTML for conformance to W3C Recommendations and other standards.




Add a Google Search Box to your site. Sign me up for customizable Google Free Search!

Google/services lists other services you can add to your web site.

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