Mike Beaver's Quick Access Reference This document is one I did while writing tables and queries for an insurance middle company that has contracts with both insurance companies(payors) and doctors. So the terms are couched within this context. Unloading Text Files from RBASE:The first copy statement below is done in order to copy the RBASE down to the administrators PC so that when accessing it this will not slow down the main database the rest of the company is using. Do all of these steps shown below before running reports: 1) copy K:\rb31\dbold*
c:\rb31 out
6) unload data for tblphy as ascii (sets the data type of the output)
between 03/01/1996 and 08/20/1997 PHPRODTE=start date Payor Downloads: 1) Perform above steps. (export data from RBASE) 1) File / import / double click Microsoft Access / go find K:\access\template.mdb / structure only / choose a template. Opening a database.dbf in Access: 1) File / open database / c:\microsoft\access\db1.mdb (open the database) Making a Table: (in the Database:PayorOUT query box) 1) click Design / Query / Make Table / put in the table name (ie: a10 A&I table) / (!) use the run query button Queries: 1) File / K:\Access\payorout.mdb (open the database) Modify the Make Table Query to an Append: In Database: PayorOUT Queries box (with the proper table highlighted) click Design / Query / Append Combining 2 address fields into 1: (in a query) a) right click on field line (of column) you want to build an expression for
(expression builder comes up) a) place cursor in criteria field >2/1/97. [of tbpenddt (file) (end date; column)] or field is null (selects docs who have been termed in last 6 months or havent been termed.) 6) un X box to hide this field (it doesnt need to be seen) Make sure that: A) inside your Append query that the table (youre pulling your fields
down from) is the table you are getting your data out of. Name is the name of the (newly created) table you are outputting the data to. Creating a Delete Query: Open database in K:\ Access \ payorout.mdb / (with the query box open) Query / new / new query / add / close add table / drag * down to field / Query / delete / close & save. Export the Table : Open database in K:\ Access \ payorout.mdb / in the table box click File, export, type of file you want to create. Redefining the Table: (we have just created) 1) In the Database:payorOUT Table box click
Design. Totalling figures for a column: 1) Right click on the lower part of the query (down where the criteria
field is). Creating Relationships Between Tables (Linking them): 1) type: Alt/E for Edit; R for Relationships. (with no query or table open) letting up on the button drag that field over onto the same field in the other table and drop it there. 4) save your changes to the relationships when exiting this sub-program. |