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Featured Abductee, Contactee, Experiencer Interviews

Dale Robinson ------------- The Dale Robinson Encounters (3/09/2025: Breaking The Silence)
Susan Alloway ------------- The Jackrabbit Case (1/04/2025: Breaking The Silence)
-----------------------------  The 1978 Jackrabbits Abductions With Abductee Susan Alloway - Part 1 of 2 - UAP Studies Podcast (3/23/2024)
Alex ------------------------ Olympic Strange Days Episode 1: Abduction - UFOS & HIDDEN EVENTS
Aurora Belcea ------------- Contactee & Channel talks Extra-Dimensional ETs (3/1/2025: Profound States)
----------------------------- Aurora Belcea: There And Back Again - An Experiencer's Tale (Feb 16, 2025: XI Experiencer Interviews)
Dr. Andrew Morgan ------- Scientist details strange sights at 'Australia's Skinwalker Ranch' | Reality Check  (2/12/2025: NewsNation)
Lt. Col. John Blitch --------- Former nuclear officer, green beret says he believes UAP whistleblower | Reality Check (1/25/2025: NewsNation)
Jacob Barber --------------- UFO whistleblower Jake Barber would '100% testify' under oath to Congress | Reality Check (1/23/2025: NewsNation)
Crystal Oracle -------------- Aliens URGENT Message For Humanity - UFOs On Video (1/17/2025: Jeff Mara)
Cate Chasse ---------------- Contactee Who Witnessed 8 Types Of UFOs! - Cate Chassé (1/3/2025: Jeff Mara)
David Wallace --------------- Live Stream With David Wallace (2/23/2024: Breaking The Silence)
Robert Moheit --------------- Robert Moheit (2/16/2024: Breaking The Silence)
Dr. Bruce Olav Solheim ------ Live Stream with Dr. Bruce Olav Solheim at 6 pm PST (2/9/2024: Breaking The Silence)
Raven Dana ------------------ Breaking the Silence with Raven Dana , Whitley Strieber & Steve Neill (1/12/2024: Breaking The Silence)
Kay Rose Golden ------------- Kay Rose Golden: Into the Greys' Abyss - Her frightening Journey (12/17/2024: XI Experiencer Interviews)
Dennis Shelgren -------------- Breaking the Silence Live Stream with Dennis Shelgren (11/29/2024: Breaking The Silence)
Nathan Walters--------------- Nathan Walters: And Then The Blue Doctors Came
Ashlea Stinnett --------------- Paranormal Bigfoot: Ashlea Stinnett - she has had encounters with bigfoot, orbs & UFOs
Harold Thompson & Cody ---- Paranormal Bigfoot: Harold and Cody (A Flash of Beauty) - bigfoot turns into a light and streaks off into the sky.
Nathaniel Tafoya ------------- Nathaniel Tafoya: From Then Till Now - His Contact Story (11/10/2024: XI Experiencer Interviews)
Poly Rottermann ------------- Poly Rottermann: Contact With The Tent People. (11/3/2024)
Ann Carter -------------------  The Ann Carter Story (11/2/2024)
Joe Killian --------------------- UNBELIEVABLE! Catholic Man’s Faith is SHATTERED After THE Most Bizarre “Alien” Close Encounter (10/31/2024)
Barbara Eberhardt ----------  Barbara Eberhardt: Uru The Pleiadian And The Galactic Council (10/20/2024)
Fergal Farrelly ---------------  Fergal Farrelly: A Life Review By The Grey BOSS (10/13/2024)
Betty Kovacs -----------------  Merchants of Light - The consciousness that is changing the world (with Betty Kovacs) (43 min. mark)
Sarah Vanlaecken ------------ Live Stream with Sarah Vanlaecken (Breaking The Silence 9/27/2024)
Rebecca Renfroe-Borneman - Rebecca Renfroe-Borneman: Through the Silver Veil (Jeff Mara 9/16/2024)
Jon -------------------------- That UFO Podcast - Experiencers - Jon (That UFO Podcast: 10/31/2021)
Mack ------------------------ Man REVEALS Stunning Experiences Of UFOs, Alien Contact & More! (Jeff Mara 9/4/2024)
Kim Trotman ---------------- Live Stream with Kim Trotman - Experiencer and CHT (Breaking The Silence 8/30/2024)
Danielle Oberosler ---------- Danielle Oberosler: Her High Strangeness Experiences (8/18/2024: XI Experiencer Interviews)
Mario Woods ---------------- Breaking the Silence with Mario Woods (Breaking The Silence 8/16/2024)
Crystal Faith ----------------- Clinically BRAIN Dead Woman Discovered She Was ON a UFO During Her Near Death Experience (7/30/2024)
David Maez ------------------ David Maez: A Walk-In's Pre-Birth Agreement (7/28/2024)
Jon Lopez -------------------- Breaking the Silence with Steve Neill (7/26/2024)
Chad Wanless ---------------- Missing Time Too: An Ordinary Man’s Extraordinary Journey, Recreated Using CGI - Chad Wanless - 2024  (Ozark Mountain Publishing: 7/26/2024)
Jennifer Anderson ----------- ET Contactee Shows Starlight Beings, Elementals, Spiritual Mist ON Video! (Jeff Mara 7/21/2024)
Natasha Black ---------------- She Was CONTACTED By The PLEIADIANS During Her Near Death Experience (Jeff Mara 7/19/2024)
Penny Kelly ------------------- "Assignment: Earth" Penny Kelly - 2024 (7/05/2024)
Yvonne Smith ----------------- Experience the Unexplained: A Night at Coronado Island (Yvonne Smith & Steve Neill)(BTS) (6/30/2024)
-------------------------------- Can't Keep It Secret Any More
 (Breaking the Silence: 6/22/2024)
Sean -------------------------- Sean: His NDE, Abductions And Family Experiences (5/5/2024: XI Experiencer Interviews)
Jay Anderson ----------------- My UFO Experiences Changed Me
Joe Stillwell ------------------- Close Encounters-A Firsthand Experience with Joe Stillwell (10/16/2024)
Joe Stillwell Encounters part 1, 2, 3 (5/25/2024)
Heather Mae ----------------- Atheist Died & Saw CRYSTAL CITY & More On The Other Side (NDE)
-------------------------------- ET Contact After Atheist Died & Had A Near Death Experience (Part 2)
David ------------------------- This Sacred Lake In Costa Rica Is Full Of UFOs! (Lake Cote) start @ 11:11 min. mark (Sky Life)
Gloria Hass ------------------- Abductee talks about the Greys, her 3 hybrid children, and 21 other alien species. (1/26/2024: Profound States.com)
-------------------------------- Gloria Hass: Her Life As An E.T. Hybrid (4/09/2023: XI Experiencer Interviews)
Daphne Fletcher-------------- Daphne's Story
Bruce Rapuano --------------- George Knapp – ETs & Transgenic Human Creation... An Abductee Speaks Out
Valentina Vappole ------------ URGENT WARNING for Humanity - I've Lived What Could Be Our Future!
Ryan Bledsoe ----------------- CIA & NASA are Trying to Open the Door to a Spirit Realm | Ryan Bledsoe
Chris & Emily Bledsoe --------- NASA's Forbidden Alien Study Finds Proof of Spiritual Beings | Chris & Emily Bledsoe
--------------------------------- Episode 9: The Chris Bledsoe Regression | Bledsoe Said So
--------------------------------- Episode 17: The Chris Bledsoe Regression: Part 2 | Bledsoe Said So
Garry Nolan ------------------- Professor Garry Nolan & Ross Coulthart: Full interview | UFO UAP News (12/12/2023)
Yuki Law ----------------------- Yuki Law: Greys, Lyrans and Chasing UFOs (12/8/2023: XI Experiencer Interviews)
Rev. Dr. Christopher Macklin, PH.D - Experiencer talks Arcturians, Pleiadians, removing attaching spirits, healing, biological attacks. (12/8/2023: Profound States.com)
RL Poole ----------------------- Ufo Abductee Reveals ET's SHOCKING AGENDA For Humanity (12/03/2023: Jeff Mara)
--------------------------------- REAL DISCLOSURE UFO/UAP Abduction Interview of RL Poole Pt. 2 (7/25/2023)
Jarod Yates ------------------- Are E. T.-Human Hybrids Designed To Be Time Travel Historians? (start at the 8 min. mark)(10/18/2023)
Michael Kameron ------------ Michael Kameron: A Lifetime of Alien & Paranormal Encounters (11/19/2023: XI Experiencer Interviews)
Reverend Honi Borden ------ She Crossed Over & Saw BLUE ALIENS (ETs) During Her Near Death Experience! (11/5/2023)
Sarah Breskman Cosme ----- Master Hypnotherapist Gets Advice From ET's On How To Be Super Human & More! (10/30/2023)
Lorraine McAdam ------------ Lorraine McAdam: Phantoms in the Night or ETs? My Lifelong Experience of Contact with the Paranormal (04/28/2024: XI Experiencer Interviews)
----------- ALIEN ABDUCTEE Who's Body Interferes With Electronics!  (10/26/2023: Jeff Mara)
Stéphanie Mira -------------- Stéphanie Mira: InterConnection-Ongoing Work Between The Afterlife, Spirit, Mediumship & Star Beings (10/14/2023: XI Experiencer Interviews)
Persephone Mae Holloway - #UFOB [EXPERIENCER] series - Persephone Holloway - Ep. 14 (10/8/2023)
------------------------------- TSP Experiencer Chronicles, Persephone Mae Holloway, Alien Encounters (4/24/2023)
John Walls ------------------- Interview with Alien Abductee John Walls... What did he experience?
Deirdre ---------------------- UFOB Experiencer Series - Deirdre - Ep. 02
Chrissie (of Sussex) -------- Chrissie from Sussex, England, talks about her terrifying alien abduction experiences, 1994/95
Beata Van Berkom ---------- Beata Van Berkom: The Tin Foil Hat Lady's Story
David Parker ---------------- UFOB - Experiencer Series - David Parker - Phoenix Lights - Ep. 09 (3/25/2023)
Trish Bishop ----------------- UFOB - Experiencer Series - Trish Bishop - Florida Alien Encounter - Ep. 08 (1/29/2023)
Caspian ---------------------- UFOB - Experiencer Series - Caspian Interview - Part 1, 2
Christopher Robinson ------- #UFOB [EXPERIENCER} Series - Christopher Robinson - Part 1, 2
Scott & Wendy Longley ----- 1997 #UFOB [SHOW] Abductees tell their story Kerri-Anne Kennerley, Midday Show.
Rowan Bo -------------------- Rowan Bo: UnEarthly Experiences In Three Countries  (10/09/2023: XI Experiencer Interviews)
Melanie ----------------------- This Woman Was Abducted By Aliens (10/1/2023)
Barry Strohm ----------------- UFO Photographer Had Reptilian Alien IN HIS BEDROOM! - UFO, Fairy, Angel Ghost Photos!  (9/29/2023)
Alina Del Castillo -------------- Alina Del Castillo: Volunteer Souls In Service To Humanity (9/3/2023)
Ann Tunaley ------------------ The MOST AMAZING Shared Death Experience & Near Death Experience
Carrie Kohan ----------------- She Dated A Reptilian Alien In Real Life!
Earl "Grey" Anderson -------- Experiencer (MUFON director) talks about his very close encounter and deep underground bases. (6/16/2023: Profound States)
Michael William Denney ------ ET Contactee Says Elves Are Aliens (6/16/2023)
Kory -------------------------- UFOB Experiencer Series - Kory - Ep. 03 (3/19/2022)
Karen Holton ----------------- Understanding ET Contact, Interdimensional Activity, & Paranormal - Karen Holton & TSP(6/15/2023)
-------------------------------- The Quantum Health Transformation Program/Contact Experiences (4/2/2020)
Richard & Linda Smith - Two experiencers talk greys, mantids, reptilians, real star wars & much more (profoundstates: 6/2/2023)

----------------------------- Human Origins Conference: Lecture Itinerary: History, Health and Wealth: Asteroids, Hemorrhoids and Other Shenanigans from Planet 10
Ronny Dawson -------- Abductee talks bigfoot, cattle abduction, home invasion, alien sex encounter, very close craft... ( 5/27/2023: Profound States)
Mary Rodwell ---------- The New Human, Star Kids, Aliens, Autism, and The Future of Mankind (5/26/2023: Profound States)
Nell Archer ------------- She Became One With God Durning Her Near Death Experience (2021)
Robert Luca ------------ Robert Luca: The Andreasson-Luca Affair (5/22/2023)
Ryan Cropper ---------- Weirdest Things That Happen (While Channeling Spirit Guides) (6/8/2022)
Maria Cuccia ---------- TSP Experiencer Chronicles #6 - Maria Cuccia, Alien Encounters & A Hybrid Named Elijah (5/24/2023)
Lauda Leon - Abductee talks about her 6 NDEs, the converging event horizon, aliens, demons, the ice wall & more. (5/19/2023)
Viviane Chauvete ---- Arcturian Hybrid Talks About The Upcoming Planetary Changes (5/19/2023)
Heather Mader ------- She Lived With An Alien in Real Life! (5/2/2023)
Yesenia DeCapua ---- Starseed The Awakening, Alien Encounters - Yesenia DeCapua, TSP (5/20/2023)
------------------------ Yesenia DeCapua: Her Life As A Starseed (5/1/2023)
Maggie Red Feather - She Died & Met An Alien On The Other Side - Near Death Experience
Mike Oram ----------- Ammach Project Archives 2012 Conference Series MIKE ORAM 1 20 52'
Pat Jackson ---------  Pat Jackson: Her Milab/SSP and Contact Experiences (4/16/2023: XI Experiencer Interviews)
Kenneth Hopkins - Abductee talks Greys, Pleidians (and other races), Mkultra, & his attachment (4/15/2023: profoundstates)
-------------------- Kenneth Hopkins: His Grey And Pleiadian Extraterrestrial Abductions (4/3/2023: XI Experiencer Interviews)
Dr. Gail --------------------- Dr. Gail Rescues ETs From Humans!
Ryan Cropper -------------- Encountering Alien Entites In The Astral Realm (They're Back)
Nancy Malacaria ----------- Nancy Malacaria: The Project At Earth & The Council (3/30/2023)
Dr. Edith Ubuntu Chan ----- She Went To OUR TRUE REALITY During Her Near Death Like Experience (3/22/2023)
Jeff Selver ------------------ Man Saw Grey ALIENS In The Afterlife (3/11/2024: Jeff Mara)
------------------------------ How I Learned Grey Aliens Plan to Build a City on Earth Part 1, 2
Christopher Cook ---------- Christopher Cook: The Westbury White Horse UFO Incident (3/12/2023)
Gabriele -------------------- She Had A Near Death Experience In A Chamber UNDER The Taj Mahal (3/5/2023)
Jennifer Carmody ---------- Mar 1 - Did UFO Take This 5-Year-Old from New Jersey Backyard in 1993? (3/02/2023) - start @ 5:50 sec. mark
Chris StClair ---------------- ALIENS DOWN UNDER: Flying in a UFO / NDE / Extraterrestrial Contact In Australia w/ Chris StClair (Order of Light: 12/2022)
Stuart Davis, Karin Austin, Jay King, Nadine Lalich & Robin Lassiter - TEG Roundtable #3: Stuart Davis, Karin Austin, Jay King, Nadine Lalich & Robin Lassiter
Robin Lassiter -------------- Robin Lassiter: The Four Who Are One (XI Experiencer Interviews: 2/19/2023)
Caroline Cory --------------- Quantum Reality, God & Why The Universe Isn't Real with Caroline Cory | Next Level Soul (1/2023)
Fay Vale --------------------- Fay Vale: Extraterrestrial Messages & Gifts (2/6/2023)
Clif High --------------------- 3am Chat w/ Clif High - Web Bot, A.I., Future Predictions and More (2021)
------------------------------- All Things Woo Woo With Clif High (2020)
------------------------------- Major Earth Changes/New Ice Age/Encounters with ET consciousness with Clif High (2019)
Dr. Kathy Forti -------------- Psychologist Sees 8D Beings Of Light On The Other Side - Near Death Experience (2/10/2023)
Fiona Harris ----------------- Energy Healing, Heart/Brain Coherence, Kundalini, ET Encounters - Fiona Harris & TSP (6/18/2023)
High Strangeness, ET Encounters, Parnormal, Sasquatch - Energy Healer Fiona Harris & TSP (2/10/2023)
Lauda Leon ------------------ Interview Typical Skeptic & Nathan Ciszek of Haujean Contactee (12/29/2022)
------------------------------- Surviving the A.I 'Black Goo' Metal God: Lauda Leon (2019)
------------------------------- Close Encounters - Lauda's Public abduction Testimony (6/17/2017)
Ryan Musgrave -------------- Cryptoterrestrials, Children of Orion, Close Encounters - Ryan Musgrave Evans | typical skeptic pod (2/2022)
Casey Claar ------------------ Out of Body Experiences, ET Contact, Kundalini, Crystal Work - Casey Claar & TSP (1/2023)
Cristoffer Engdahl ----------- ET Contact & Paranormal, Portal Experiencer From Sweden - Cristoffer Engdahl & TSP (1/2023)
Debra Moffitt ----------------- Gifted Intuitive, Galactic Star Families, Multi Dimensional Reality - Debra Moffitt and TSP
Jim Hunt ---------------------- Psychic Experiences - Shape Shifters, Watchers, Elementals - The Afterlife with Jim Hunt (1/2022)
Raven Keefer ---------------- UFOS & Missing Time - Dimensional Portals - Bigfoot & The Others w/ Raven Keefer (1/2022)
-------------------------------- Profound NDE - Angel, Spirit, & ET Contact - Following Synchronicities with Cassandra Vanzant (1/2022)
Nathan Ciszek ---------------- Interview with Nate : Haujean Contactee (2/6/2023)
-------------------------------- Interview Typical Skeptic & Nathan Ciszek of Haujean Contactee
-------------------------------- Targeted Individuals, Psychic Warfare, Negative Extraterrestrials - Nathan Ciszek - Voices of Orion
The Voices of Orion Project, Haujean ET Contactees (Typical Skeptic: 3/2022)
JJ ----------------------------- Whose Black Helicopters Show Up After Animal Mutilations? (Linda Moulton Howe: 1/25/2023)(start listening at the 7:20 min./sec. mark)
Jeff Tolley -------------------- Aliens/Hybrid Program/Jeff Tolley - Part 1 (10/2022)
David Eckhart ---------------- David Eckhart Reptilian Portal/Abduction Case Featuring David Eckhart & Typical Skeptic (1/14/2023)
-------------------------------- Alien Hierarchy, Cattle mutilations, Portals, DMT to Access Alien Realm - Contactee David Eckhart (9/9/2021)
Robert Treat ------------------ Military Intelligence Veteran Deathbed Revelations about Archons & a Possible Staged ALIEN INVASION - for the rest of his story, visit Connie Willis.  
Nikki Jacobs ------------------- Season 1, #16, November 18, 2022, Part 1, 2
--------------------------------- Ravens Flock a night with Nikki
Craig Lefebvre ---------------- Man's Cancer Is Healed While On A UFO - Craig Lefebvre 359 (12/29/2021)
Shelley Vecchitto -------------- 556 Alba Weinman - Transmission of Truth
Brandon LaPier ---------------  Mystic, ET and paranormal experiencer, healer and spiritual teacher Brandon LaPier (Profound States: 1/11/2023)
--------------------------------- Lifetime ET Contactee, MILAB, Military Experiences, Shadow Beings and more with Brandon LePier (3/13/2022)
Gary Kaminski ----------------- I'm talking with Gary Kaminski, CHT about hypnosis & ET encounters and more... (2020)
Brian --------------------------- Linda Moulton Howe Interview of Naval Officer - Antarctica (2017)
Tyler Jones (not his real name)Two brothers taken into UFO craft (part 1)(3/24/2021)
Abductee Tyler Jones Interview Part 2 (3/31/2021)
Laura Rose -------------------- #Paranormal LIVE Hangout with Laura Rose | My ET Contact Experience
Philip Kinsella ------------------ The UFO Deception? Who’s Suppressing The Truth? (12/1/2022)
Gary Lynn ---------------------- 17 Gary Lynn - ET contactee and Yowie researcher.
Ginette Biro --------------------- MUST LISTEN to Near Death Experience Channeled Message with Ginette Biro | Next Level Soul
John Martin --------------------- ET Contactee Guitarist John Martin & ETs over Atlanta: Music for the Universe & Our Star Family
Nancy Lake ---------------------- She Claims To Have Hybrid Alien Children
Dr. Lani -------------------------- Dr. Lani/Space Engineer/Ph.D/Researcher/Contactee/Experiencer/Psychic/Stargate Meditations (11/19/2022)
----------------------------------- "The Dave Emmons Show," with Dr. Lani (episode 2 - 11-13-22)
"The Dave Emmons Show," with Dr. Lani (episode 1)  
Guy Needler --------------------- Guy Needler - Experiencer, Metaphysician, Author & Channeler (Profound States: 11/19/2022)
Lily Nova ------------------------- Astrophotographer Shows Pictures and Videos of UFOs and Orbs - Lily Nova 396 (Jeff Mara: 2/2022)
Melissa Kriger -------------------- Melissa Kriger: Her Encounters With The Greys - UFOs, Shadow Entities, Hauntings, Implants and More!
Scott Varden --------------------- Scott Varden - Experiencer - (Profound States 11/16/2022)
------------------------------------ ET's Helped Him Understand The Message Of His NDEs - Near Death Experiences (Jeff Mara)
Jesse H. Long Jr. ----------------- Jesse H. Long Jr.: His Story - Greys, UFOs, Abductions, Implants, Probes, Supernatural and More! (10/30/2022)
Bonnie ---------------------------- She Died & Woke Up In A Pod Like The Matrix - NEAR DEATH EXPERIENCE
Kathleen Marden ----------------- UFO Researcher Has Miraculous Healing From An Entity (12/10/2022)
MUFON Files, Reptilians, Greys, Mantises, UFO's, Abductions, Implants, Zeta
Bonnie Jennings ------------------ She Died & Woke Up In A Pod Like The Matrix - NEAR DEATH EXPERIENCE
Julliena Okah --------------------- Julliena Okah : My Journeys Through the Heavens and Hells of Extraterrestrial Worlds
Trevor James Constable --------- Episode 16-Exploring the Cosmic Pulse of Life with Trevor James Constable (Sailing Beyond Knowledge Radio: 12/7/2020)
Lauren Nalder & Allison ---------- George Knapp - Alien Abduction Special!... COAST TO COAST AM 2022 (9/25/2022)
Virginia Jones -------------------- Ginny Jones: Her Arcturian Teacher - ETs, Spirits, Nature Beings, Light Codes, UFOs & More!!
(10/17/2022: XI Experiencer Interviews)
Kewaunee & Kelly Lapseritis ---- Kewaunee Lapseritis - Overwhelming Evidence for a Bigfoot / UFO Connection (8/30/2018) 
------------------------------------ THE SASQUATCH MESSAGE TO HUMANITY (11/7/2017)
------------------------------------ Kewaunee Lapseritis - The Bigfoot UFO Connection (MUFON LA: 09-21-04) 
Dan Baldwin & George Sewell --- The Alien Abduction Of Lindsey Higgins with Dan Baldwin & George Sewell (10/1/2022: Jeff Mara)
Alice Haggerty & Pat Marcattilio - Man Believes He's The Father Of 100 Hybrid Babies After Alien Sex | World's Strangest UFO Stories
Eve Lorgen ------------------------ Tony Sayers & Eve Lorgen- Alien Love Bite Relationships, Clones & Hybrid Technology.
Alanna Robelia -------------------- Alanna Robelia: Generational Experiencer
Saly Elka --------------------------- Saly Elka: Multi-Race Experiencer - Mantid Geneticist, Red Reptilians, Essassani Hybrids and More!! (XI Interviews)
Paul Vidal -------------------------- Paul Vidal: Generational Contactee - Mantid's, Grey's, Hatman, NDE's, OBE's, Missing Time and More!! (XI Interviews)
Ina Nielsen ------------------------- Ina Nielsen: Generational Abductee - Greys, MIB, Hybrids, Abductions, OBEs and More!! (XI Interviews: 8/4/2022)
Dr Louis Turi ----------------------- Dr Louis Turi: UFO Contactee Of The 5th Kind - Greys, Dracos, UFO Abductions, Missing Time and More! (XI Interviews)
Keith Anthony Blanchard ---------- 86: ET Visitation w/ Keith Anthony Blanchard (Parabnormal 2020)
Craig Campobasso ----------------- Craig Campobasso The Alien Species (UNX News: 8/13/2021)
Debz Shakti ------------------------ Star teachers, Alien Abduction & Lifelong Contact - Debz Shakti & TSP (3/14/2023)
-------------------------------------- Debz Shakti: Contact with UFOs, Hypnotherapy, Channeling (UNX News: 10/15/2021)
Alexander John Tulloch ------------ Alexander John Tulloch: The Light And Dark Side Of Contact (XI Interviews: 9/07/2022)
Kosta Makreus and Hollis Polk ----- Make Contact With Aliens - How To Connect With Peaceful And Loving ETs (7/7/2021)
Marius Dewilde --------------------- 1954 case: Marius Dewilde saw a UFO land, two beings walking around.
Jack Sarfatti------------------------- Jack Sarfatti - UAPs, Warp-Drives, Time-Travel & Consciousness (Part 1,2)(8/27/2022)
Atheria ------------------------------ Secret UFO BASE Under Downtown Los Angeles! (12/24/2020)
Tom Dongo ------------------------- Tom Dongo, June 02, 2019 - Paranormal/ET/UFO - Sedona (6/2/2019)
Deep Prasad ------------------------ A different reality’ involved with his encounter, Deep Prasad says - Part 3 - Mystery Wire (George Knapp: 2/25/2020)
Kindra Foster ------------------------ Kindra Foster, 11.29.20 - Daughter of UFO/Contactee John Foster (11/29/2020)
Jean Walker ------------------------- JEAN WALKER, MUFON Star Team Investigator (10/30/2021)
--------------------------------------- UnX News: Guest Jean Walker/Paranormal and UFO Experiences
Jean Walker, December 3, 2017 - Paranormal, UFO, haunted, unexplained, ET contact - Family Secrets (Wendy's Coffeehouse Curious: 12/4/2017)
Krsanna Duran ---------------------- Krsanna Duran, March 26, 2017 - UFO Initiation, Ultraterrestrial Time Travelers ... and Bigfoot (Wendy's Coffeehouse Curious: 3/26/2017)
Kelly and Kewaunee (Jack) Lapseritis - Kelly and Kewaunee Lapseritis, February 12, 2017 - Psychic Sasquatch, Telepathy and UFOs. (Wendy's Coffeehouse Curious: 2/14/2017)
Marcia Schafer ---------------------- Marcia Schafer, 1.31.21 - Engaging Extraterrestrials. A Galactic Business Plan (Wendy's Coffeehouse Curious: 1/29/2021)
Myrian Galler ------------------------ Myrian Galler, 12.12.21 - Amayah. Pt 1. The Beings. An Introduction (Wendy's Coffeehouse Curious: 12/9/2021)
--------------------------------------- Myrian Galler, 12.15.21 - 2/2 Amayah. The Beings. The Prediction. (Wendy's Coffeehouse Curious: 12/15/2021)
Derek Tyler ------------------------- Derek Tyler - ET Contact with Derek Tyler (Wendy's Coffeehouse Curious: 11/13/2017)
Dale Harder ------------------------- Dale Harder - UFOs - Aliens - Extraterrestrial Contact - Abduction - UFO Phenomenon (Wendy's Coffeehouse Curious: 11/17/2017)
Fay Vale ----------------------------- ET Connections: Aliens Gave Her A Special Gift (Aliens Revealed Live Hub: 8/30/2022)
Nathan Arizona --------------------- Nathan Arizona - Aliens - UFOs - Alien Experiences with Nathan Arizona (12/18/2017)
Anthony Sanchez ------------------- Anthony Sanchez - Underground Bases - Extraterrestrials - The Dulce Base in New Mexico (12/28/2017)
Bruce & Daniella Fenton ----------- Bruce & Daniella Fenton - Extraterrestrials - Abductions - Experiencers - Human Hybridization (4/13/2018)
Dr. Joseph Burkes ----------------- Dr. Joseph Burkes, 1.16.22 - ET/Alien/Orb/Interdimensional/Light Beings – We are Not Alone (Wendy's Coffeehouse Curious: 1/15/2022)
-------------------------------------- Dr. Joseph Burkes - Aliens - UFOs - ET Contact - Experiencers - Paths of Contact (Spaced Out Radio: 5/14/2018)
Dr. Joseph Burkes - Secrets from the Contact Underground (07-20-10)
Ryan Burns ------------------------ Ryan Burns - Paranormal Secrets at the Skinwalker Ranch (3/7/2019)
Guy Steven Needler --------------- History of God, Extra Dimensional Beings, Reincarnation, Karma and More - Guy Steven Needler (8/18/2022)
Chris Jenkins ---------------------- Alien Contact - Greys, Nordics, Reptillians And A Mysterious Mantis Being (4/1/2021)
Sunbow Truebrother ------------- SunBôw TrueBrother - Sasquatch, UFO, Star Elders - are Related. Part 1, 2 (Wendy's Coffeehouse Curious:)
------------------------------------- Contact with Sasquatch and their Message to Humanity (7/31/2022)
Dr. Melanie Barton -------------- Dr. Melanie Barton Bragg - Experiencer, Reiki & Rife practitioner, talk show host & minister (Profound States: 10/30/2022)
------------------------------------ Paranormal Counseling: Her Guide Was A 3 Foot Grey Alien Named Robbie
Scott Varden --------------------- Scott Varden - UFOs - Extraterrestrials - Experiencers - ET Contact with Scott Varden (11/13/2017)
Mark Brenner -------------------- Personal Quest To The Unknown (4/12/2022)
Dani Henderson ------------------ Her Mother Had A Near Death Experience While She Was Being Born!  (7/29/2022)
Earl Gray Anderson --------------- SECRET UBDERGROUND BASES - MUFON - DO ALIENS WANT DISCLOSURE? (7/27/2022)
Geri Julian ------------------------- Woman Who Was Attacked By Aliens In Her Sleep | UFO Witness (4/10/2022)
Anne Tyler ------------------------- A Psychologist Comes Out as an Experiencer (7/8/2022)
Anna Brown Ehlers & John Pavlik - Man Claims He Was Hypnotised And Almost Abducted By Aliens! | Aliens In Alaska (6/5/2022)
James Gilliland --------------- The Big Questions, Do Aliens Exist, The Multi Dimensional Universe, Near Death Experiences |#592 (11/17/2018)
Bill Sleasman ----------------- A Whole Town Witness UFO Circling Over Them | Aliens In Alaska (6/26/2022)
Tim --------------------------- How it FEELS to be Face-to-Face with a GREY Extraterrestrial (7/1/2022)
Al Rhodes / Ginger Rhodes - Couple Share Encounter With Potential UFO | Aliens In Alaska (Quest TV)
Dr. Christopher Macklin - UFO Expert Who Dated A Reptilian Alien! (Jeff Mara's Podcast: 6/23/2022)(YouTube)
Ingrid Honkala -------- NASA Scientist NDE Shows Her Mysterious Beings of Light with Ingrid Honkala | Next Level Soul (11/27/2022)
------------------------- 13 Secrets the Beings of Light Taught Her After Her Near Death Experience - Ingrid Honkala's NDE (6/22/2022)
John Foster ------------ InnerTV John Foster's UFO reflections, Extraterrestrial Encounters & The Projects (3/16/2019)
------------------------- John Foster UFOs - UNO interview Carol Schrader, John Foster & Jack Kasher (11/29/2017)
James P. Lough ------- The Hidden Lives of Close Encounter Witnesses  unknowncountry.com/Whitley Strieber (w. hypnotherapist Yvonne Smith)
Alan Steinfeld ---------- Contacting Aliens with Alan Steinfeld (6/2/2022)
Making Contact With Extraterrestrials Might Be Closer Than You Think (Aliens Revealed Live Hub: 6/2/2022)
-------------------------  Part 1 -Suzanne Ross from SciSpi.TV interviews Alan Steinfeld about Making Contact (9/16/2021)
-------------------------  Part 2 - Suzanne Ross of SciSpi.TV Interviews Alan Steinfeld about Making Contact (9/17/2021)
Rodrigo Lloreda ------- FROM INTERDIMENSIONAL ENTITIES TO UFOS! (6/4/2022)
Robert Earl White ----- The Lower Alloways Creek Incident - Should It Have Been The Eastern State’s Roswell? Aliens Revealed Live Hub
Allen Lammer ---------- One of the Scariest, Most Interesting Dreamlands Ever Recorded! unknowncountry.com/Whitley Strieber
Dudley Delany --------- Dudley Delany's Alien Encounter (5/6/2022)
Dolly Safran ----------- An Experiencer with Conscious Contact AND Some Unusual Video Whitley Strieber (4/15/2022)
Kristin Tranum --------  Kristin Tranum: Communication With Non-Human Entities XI Experiencer Interviews (3/20/2022)
Matthew Roberts -----  A Navy Cryptographer has a Powerful Contact Experience after the "Gimbal" UFO Incident Dreamland (6/18/2021)
Nikki Noelle ------------ Nikki Noelle - Aliens - The Experiencer - Extraterrestrials - Have you been taken? Spaced Out Radio (8/4/2021)
Adam Burns ----------- Adam Burns: E.T. Contactee - Mantids, Greys, Hybrids, Men In Black, Scoop Marks and More!! XI Experiencer Interviews (3/6/2022)
JOHN YOST -----------  Ep. #506: TAKEN w/ John Yost (8/13/2022)
------------------------  JOHN YOST - ALIEN ABDUCTION: ANSWERS talks about his new film and his personal experiences (2/13/2022)
Paul & Syann --------- This Couple MET On A Spaceship! (12/26/2022)
Paul Hamden --------- Paul Hamden - ALIEN CONTACT - A RELATIONSHIP WITH THE ZETA RETICULI - ALIENS ARE HERE! Spaced Out Radio (1/20/2022)
Ella LeBain ------------- LET'S GET COSMIC! UFO'S - UAP - ALIENS ARE CONTACTING US! Spaced Out Radio (1/18/2022)
Pamela Nance and Ashleigh Field - The Alien Ride Among That Took Two Women To The Stars Aliens Revealed Live Hub (12/5/2021)
Bruce Cornet ---------- The Alien Hybrid Program - One Unwilling Participant Speaks Up About Alien Hybridization On Earth Aliens Revealed Live Hub (6/17/2021)
Mike Murburg ---------- The Extraterrestrial Download That Changed One Man’s Perception Of The World Aliens Revealed Live Hub (10/24/2021) 
Rebecca Renfroe-Borneman - Contact Experiencer - What’s Life Like As An E.T. Contact Experiencer? Aliens Revealed Live Hub (9/19/2021)
Tony Ditata ------------ Star Daughter: One Man's Lifelong Experiences with Extraterrestrials - Preston Dennett (11/20/2021) 
Grant Baker ----------- MESSING WITH SASQUATCH & ALIENS - PERSONAL CRYPTID & ET ENCOUNTERS Spaced Out Radio (2/11/2022)
Teri Lynge Kehl ------------ The Night Teri Was Healed By Aliens (11/12/2021)
Wendy ---------------- Conversation with an Extraterrestrial Walk-In - Preston Dennett (6/4/2021)
Neil Attenbury -------- Neil Attenbury: The Curious Case Of An Experiencer (2/7/2022)
Jim Semivan ---------- Jim Semivan - Aliens and Artists (2/17/2022)
George Knapp CIA’s Role in the Study of UFO Phenomena 1-Hour Special - COAST TO COAST AM 2022 (2/7/2022)
Nora Funk ------------ Nora Funk - Aliens among us! ET Contact - A Hypnotizing Adventure! (9/14/2021)
Don Anderson -------- THE ANCIENT ONES: The True Story of the UFO Contacts of Don Anderson (1/28/2022)
Robert Boston -------- Robert Boston - BIGFOOT & ALIENS & UAP? ARE THEY CONNECTED? (1/14/2022)
Sinead Whelehanan -- Alien Stands Next To Her AT CE-5 Event - ALIEN PHOTO
Sinead Whelehan - Alien Encounters | Extraterrestrial Contact (1/13/2021)
Janet Russell ---------- Topic: UFO - Guest Janet Russell - Video Interview (2/9/2018)
Betsy Lewis ----------- Betsy Lewis - From Number 13 to Alien Encounters (10/27/2014)
Zen Benefiel ---------- Topic: UFO - Zen Benefiel - UfologyPRSS Website - HD 720P (10/30/2013)
Bruce Alderman ------ Bruce Alderman Part Two - Aliens and Artists (3/25/2021)
Sebastiano De Filippi - George Knapp High Strangeness at UFO Contacts at Mount Uritorco - COAST TO COAST AM 2022 (1/25/2022)
Sebastiano De Filippi - Aliens and Artists  (1/20/2022)
Kathleen Tedder ----- Kathleen Tedder: Alien Abductee, UFO's, Light Orbs, Missing Time, Psychic Medium, Spirits and More!! (1/16/2022)
Kirsten Blackburn ---- Kirsten Blackburn - Aliens and Artists  (9/16/2021)
Chris Kingston ------ Chris Kingston - Aliens and Artists  (8/5/2021)
------------------------ Chris Kingston Plus - Aliens and Artists (8/12/2021)
------------------------ Chris Kingston - A Lifetime of Experiences with Aliens and the Paranormal (8/9/2021)
Kimberly Lafferty --- Kimberly Lafferty - Aliens and Artists (7/1/2021)
------------------------ Kimberly Lafferty Plus - Aliens and Artists (7/12/2021)
------------------------ Kimberly Lafferty Part 3 - Aliens and Artists
Jeff Kripal ------------ Jeff Kripal Part 1, 2 - Aliens and Artists
Mark Rogers -------- Painter Mark Rogers and Contactee Gary Arnold (5/28/2021)
----------------------- Mark Rogers Part 1, 2 - Aliens and Artists
Jennifer Sodini -------- Jennifer Sodini Part - Aliens and Artists 1
Chris O'Brien --------- Chris O'Brien Part - Aliens and Artists 1, 2
Jay Christopher King - Jay Christopher King from The Experiencer Group (1/2/2022)
------------------------- Jay Christopher King - Encounters w/Gray & Mantis Beings, Plus, the Article NYT Refused to Publish (9/26/2021)
------------------------- Anonymous Experiencer Part 1, 2, 3 (Aliens and Artists)
Janet Russell --------- Janet Russell: Alien Abductee (1/9/2022: XI Experiencer Interviews)
Peter Whitley -------- UFO Director of Japan Has Been Abducted By Aliens 3 Times - Peter Whitley 356
Anna Estella ---------- Anna Estella: Grey Abductee (XI Experiencer Interviews)
Preston Dennett ----- Preston Dennett: The Author-Researcher-Experiencer's Story (11/21/2021)
------------------------ Preston Dennett, 5.16.21 - UFOs and Ouija Boards ... and Sasquatch (5/16/2021)
Terri Anderson ------- Terri Anderson – An Average American’s Extraordinary UFO/ET Enperience–PT2 On FarOutRadio (2/05/2013)
------------------------ Terri Anderson – An Average American’s Extraordinary UFO/ET Enperience–PT1 On FarOutRadio (1/25/2013)
Kimberly Phoenix ---- Kimberly Phoenix: Iridescent Greys, Beings of Light, OBE's, Channeling and More!!
Bonnie Jean Mitchell - Bonnie Jean Mitchell: Journey With The Star People & The Shift
Matias De Stefano --- Atlantis and the Creation of Races - Matías De Stefano (6/8/2020)
------------------------ Matias De Stefano-Zagreb, Croatia, July 2014. (7/27/2014)
Janine Savient, Ginny Jones & Mandy Horton - Powerful Activation Talk All About Light Codes
John St Julien Baba Wanyama - Beings Of Blue Light (8/17/2021)
--------------------------------- A Supernatural Healing From Blue Beings of Light? (9/18/2021) 
Christine Kesara Dennett - Christine Kesara Dennett: The Artist, The Experiencer (9/5/2021)
Judy Carroll -------------- Judy Carroll: Dual Soul Perspective Of A Zeta/Earth Human Soul (7/4/2021)
Debra Jordan Kauble --- Extraordinary Contact: Life Beyond "Intruders" Kindle Edition by Debra Jordan-Kauble (7/23/2021)
Debra Jordan Kauble: Extraordinary Contact: Life Beyond Intruders (6/28/2021)
Lisa O'Hara -------------- Lisa O'Hara : An Alien Abductee's Struggle (5/23/2021)
--------------------------- ET Abductee & Author Lisa O'Hara Season 1 Episode 17
Sharon Sananda Kumara - Sharon Sananda Kumara : The Grey Protectors, ET Hybrid Program, OBE's, NDE's and More!! (5/16/2021)
Sheryl Gottschall ------ Sheryl Gottschall : Close Encounters, NDE's and the AfterLife (5/9/2021)
Rae Dove -------------- Rae Dove : The Grey Visitors, Arcturians, ET Healings and More!! (4/25/2021)
Kendra Jonas ------ Live Interview with ET Experiencer Kendra Jonas (2021)
---------------------- Kendra Jonas: Grey Contactee, Starseed Hybrid Program, ET Healing, Hauntings and More!! (3/28/2021)
---------------------- Galactics, ET's & Live Channeling with Kendra Jonas, author of "The Link" (2020)
---------------------- Lifetime ET Contactee, Human ET Hybrid Program, Being Healed by ETs, channels 5d Being and more...
Vanessa Van Der Vliet - Vanessa Van Der Vliet: Worshipper Of The Elf On High Bloodline (3/22/2021)
Aine Hanley -------- Aine Hanley:  The Shamanic Journey Of An Experiencer (3/14/2021)
Jay Jaydee --------- Jay Jaydee: NDE, Abducted by the Greys, Group of 5, SSF Engagements, Moon Bases and More!! (3/13/2021)
Veronica Bartolini -- Veronica Bartolini: Super Soldier : Project Crystal Gates, Secret Space Program, Montauk and More! (1/18/2021)
David Wargon ------ David Wargon : An Experiencer's Story : Reptilians, Greys, Implants, Soul Transfers and More! (11/30/2020)
Dr. Rebecca Hardcastle Wright - Dr. Rebecca Hardcastle Wright, PhD: The Journey Of A Life-long Contactee (11/23/2020)
Rebecca Rose - Rebecca Rose: Covert-Ops Abduction, SSP, MK Ultra, Shadow Government, Draco Reptilians and more! (11/1/2020)
Lorien Fenton - Lorien Fenton - Experiencer (profoundstates.com: 10/7/2022)
----------------- Lorien Fenton: E.T.'s, Angels & Angelic Protection, OBE's, Psychic Events and More! (10/25/2020)
----------------- Melinda Leslie & Lorien Fenton - UFO News - The Latest Developments in Ufology (6/20/2019)
Yossi Ronen --- Invaded By Alien Beings Who Delivered A Stern Warning For Humankind (5/12/2022)
----------------- Yossi Ronen and The Green Visitors (8/22/2020)
Marinna Rose - Marinna Rose and her Electric Blue Encounter (8/9/2020)
Denise Stoner - Being On Board An Alien Craft - She Met With Biological Entities (9/27/2022)
----------------- Denise Stoner: Multiple Abductee (6/21/2020)
Vicky Crew Fuller, Candace Gamma (Skalberg) & John Skalberg - Alien Contactee Family : Amazing Contact with Greys, Nordics, and Avian Extra-Terrestrials (9/22/2020)
Suzy Hansen, Judy Carroll & Sherry Wilde - Ladies of the Greys: A Round Table discussion about 3 Female E.T. Contactees and their Experiences (4/13/2020)
Georges and Judith Arseneau -------------- Two Childhood Contactees who were trained together by ET's find each other (7/12/2020)
Debbie 'Starborn' Hewins & Matthew Monize - Alien Abductees Who Met On A UFO : Debbie 'Starborn' Hewins & Matthew Moniz (5/31/2020)
Neil Baumann ----------------- Contactee Neil Baumann Tells All : Contacts with Greys, Medical Exams, Missing Time and More! (5/24/2020)
Angela Statz ------------------ Angela Statz : Multi-Generational Experiencer, New Earth, Hybrid Program, Shadow Beings and More!!! (3/26/2021)
--------------------------------- Angela Statz: Multi-Generational Experiencer Part II (8/14/2021)
Rainbow and Mike ----------- Alien Abductions and the aftermath!
--------------------------------- Sasquatch - They are People too
--------------------------------- Dogman - Cryptid of many names
Neo Glimmer ------------------ Marina Jacobi - THE EVENT with guest Neo Glimmer - 4-11-18
Bernard Alvarez --------------- Marina Jacobi with guest Bernard Alvarez - 8-5-17
Starbuck ----------------------- Get Ready for the Ships. Survivor Exposes Reptilians, Greys, Torture, Tunnels, More!
Jim Pennisten ------------------ Jim Pennisten Live on Ancient Aliens World Wide
Guy Dharma ------------------- Guy Dharma at the Star Family Conference 2018, Part 2
Erin Montgomery -------------- Aliens Revealed - ET Experiencer Erin Montgomery (9/2022)
--------------------------------- Close Encounter Sex: Our Dirty Little Secret (Whitley Strieber's Unknown Country: 4/29/2022)
UFO Contactee Erin Montgomery / Legends,Monsters George Lunsford (2021)
Confessions of an Alien Abductee with Erin Montgomery (12/9/2020)
--------------------------------- Erin Montgomery - Her Abductions and the Alien Hybrid Programme (10/11/2020)
Robin --------------------------- Interview with abductee Robin (12/6/2019)
Devara Thunderbeat ---------- ET ENCOUNTERS - Devara ThunderBeat
ET Contact with Devara Thunderbeat (Spaced Out Radio: 6/23/2016)
---------------------------------- Devara Thunderbeat Interview - Your Interests and Hobbies Show You Your Spiritual Path
Peter Sterling ------------------ Peter Sterling at Cosmic Reunion Irvine,Ca. (3/30/2013)
----------------------------------- Peter Sterling at Globe Sound Healing Conference (10/2014)
Joan Ocean -------------------- Joan Ocean - Dolphins & ETs (6/29/2011)
---------------------------------- The Dolphins of Lemuria with Joan Ocean

---------------------------------- JOAN OCEAN.. Dolphins and Whales - Seminar (3-12-17)
Robert -------------------------- Exclusive: "The Airman, Buzz Aldrin, Kissinger and the Aliens" 
Matt ----------------------------  UFO Undercover Tonight X Police office Matt will be joining Joe Montaldo to discuss reptilians in New Orleans
Michael Merchant --------------  Michael Merchant~ My Alien Abduction UFO Event Defending the Bigfoot Woo!
Tom Sanger --------------------  Spaced Out Radio Feb 12 18 Roger The Alien With Tom Sanger (2/12/2018)
Missi Kerr Lamontagne --------  Missing Time: Alien Abductee Interviewed While UFO Observes
Don Mathis ---------------------  Guest Don Mathis Alien Abduction (C) 2019
Sandee Mac --------------------  XZRS/XZBN: Sandee Mac - Alien Contact
Ian & Melanie Bright -----------  #31 CE-5 Contact Guests- (Ian&Melanie Bright)
Greg -----------------------------  UFO Abduction and Terrifying Alien Contact TRUE STORY 👽 UFO and Abduction True Stories 2020
Serena Radcliffe -----------------  Serena Radcliffe - The Stunning Story Of REAL Abduction and the Fight She WON!! (4/10/2020)
Michelle Copeland ---------------- Alien Abduction Regression of Michelle Copeland
Kimberly O’Connor --------------- Kimberly O’Connor - A Very Personal Alien Abduction Story....this is my alien life!!
Elvira Taro ------------------------ Top Secret News Radio Show..Guest - Abductee Elvira Tarot (9/28/2017)
Chan Wan ------------------------- COM Chan Wan: Lightworker & ET Contactee & Healer
Cameron Brauer ------------------ Abducted in Montana - My Best Friends Learn WE Were Abducted Together In 1984. (4/22/2020)
------------------------------------- RUN!!..Alien Abduction Week!! This is My Alien Life! (4/23/2020)
Adam & Nathan -------------------  Dr J Live Abduction Diaries - Personal Accounts of ET Abductions 
Lisa O'Hara -----------------------  Alien Abductee Fights Back • Lisa O'Hara
------------------------------------- Episode 40- Lisa O'Hara (5/4/2020)
Tim Cullen ------------------------- ALIEN IMPLANTS (The Tim Cullen Case: Full Story!)
Guest Tim Cullen Alien Implant 10/04/2019

------------------------------------- Night Dreams Talk Radio June 8 Two Guest Night Tim Cullen Liz Reeder (8/26/2018)
Josh and Shauna Lajeunesse ----- Exeter-Terrestrial - Episode 1 || Otherworldly Amor
Alexis Brooks ---------------------- Barry Eaton of Radio Out There Interviews Alexis Brooks - ET CONTACT & THE METAPHYSICAL WORLD
------------------------------------- Alexis Brooks, The Intersection of Consciousness and UFO Journalism |416|
Robert Perala --------------------- Ep. 268 FADE to BLACK Jimmy Church w/ Robert Perala, Close Encounters LIVE on air
------------------------------------- Robert Perala on A Fireside Chat - The Divine Blueprint - May 2nd, 2009
Lauren Alexis Pritchard and Jerry Avalos - Experiencer & Contactee Online Webinar
Robert West ----------------------  Robert West UFO Contactee Part One an Introduction 1
Scott ------------------------------  UFO Chronicles: Ep.51 Missing Time And The Man In Plaid
Andrew ---------------------------  UFO Chronicles: Ep.47 Fear Of the Unknown
Jeremiah Sturk -------------------  UFO Chronicles: Ep.45 The Lights Lit Up The Forest
David Emmons --------------------  UFO Chronicles: EP.41 Beware Of The Flying Saucers
Miguel -----------------------------  UFO Chronicles: Ep.35 Aliens In The Hood
Robert Lomax --------------------  UFO Chronicles: Ep.44 The Alien Mind
Clint from Queensland Australia UFO Chronicles: Ep.43 Awake With The Grays
Reinerio Hernandez --------------- Extraterrestrial Encounters with Experiencer Reinerio Hernandez
Jeffrey Boyd JR ------------------- Jeffrey Boyd JR and Jim Marlin (1/25/2019)
Art Bell ----------------------------- Art Bell EXCLUSIVE UFO sighting & more! Dr J Radio LIVE
Bret and Mark (with Jeff Rense) - Program 1 - Hour 1, 2
-------------------------------------- Program 2 - Hour 1, 2
Program 3 - Hour 1, 2, 3
Jean Walker ------------------- Family Secrets | Jean Walker (8/14/2017)
Maren Mastin ------------------ Interview with Maren Mastin (2/24/2020)
Anonymous -------------------- Wolves & Sheeple Podcast Ep 15 Life Long Alien Abductee Family - part 1, 2
Tarita --------------------------- UFO CHRONICLES PODCAST: EP. 1 TARITA AND THE STAR PEOPLE
Jim Mount ---------------------- Talking to the Cosmos Featuring UFO Researcher/Contactee Jim Mount
Jim Marlin ---------------------- Jim Marlin UFO Legend (12/8/2018)
Miles ---------------------------- EP: 14 Missing Time In Virginia
Rev. James --------------------- Ep 15 The Mantis Encounter (8/30/2019)
Roger --------------------------- EP: 17 The Wairarapa Incident, NZ (9/14/2019)
Michael Alans ------------------- EP.19 Alien Revelations (UFO Chronicles)
Chloe Easterling ---------------- EP.22 A Lifetime Of Contact (UFO Chronicles)
Ann ------------------------------ EP.27 An Abduction In Denmark (UFO Chronicles)
Ronnie James Dio --------------- Ronnie James Dio talking about his ufo sighting
Todd ----------------------------- UFO / Alien Abductee Secrets Shared On Rense Radio Show - Manitoba, Canada Encounters
Tatjana Ulvehjerte -------------- My story.... the beginning.... (Tatjana Ulvehjerte)
Robert Mason ------------------- Uforia Chronicles Positive UFO/ Abductions with Robert Mason Part 1 (bad audio), 2, 3 
Ken Klingbell --------------------- Alien Abduction Experiences and Theory The Ken Klingbell Story A Uforia Chronicle
Charlie Kundalli ------------------ UFORIA CHRONICLES Rare Interview of Charlie Kundallini Canada's most progressive UFOLOGIST Part #1
Karl Dorey ----------------------- UFORIA Chronicles Interviews Karl Dorey on Alien & UFO encounters (4/13/2012)
----------------------------------- Karl Dorey Interview (12/1/2016)
----------------------------------- Uforia Chronicles Alien Milab Hybrid Abductee Karl Dorey Vol.3 (6/16/2017)
James Borg -------------------- James Borg Contact Radio November 4 2012
---------------------------------- Uforia Chronicles The Paranormal Life Story of James Borg Volume 1    
Adnan Ademovic ---------------- Adnan Ademovic, July 07, 2019 - UFO HUB Founder, Experiencer. ET Contact and Consciousness (7/07/2019)
----------------------------------- 5 Stages of Contact | Adnan Ademovic
Steve Neill ----------------------- Steve Neill: The Visitors Revisited (7/14/2024: XI Experiencer Interviews)
Experience the Unexplained: A Night at Coronado Island (Yvonne Smith & Steve Neill)(BTS)

----------------------------------- A Child's Encounter
Steve Neill But Something is There... (Dreamland with Whitley Strieber)
----------------------------------- But Something is There Movie (54:03)
Karyn Dolan --------------------- Topic: UFO - Guest Karyn Dolan - Video Interview
Alan Godfrey -------------------- PC Alan Godfrey UFO Witness on BBC Breakfast Time TV Show 1980's
Naomi Williams ------------------ UFO CHRONICLES PODCAST: EP. 3 NAOMI: Experiencer
Terry Andrews ------------------ Evolution of an Experiencer: Terry Andrews
Jean Henderson ----------------- Evolution of an Experiencer: Jean Henderson
Jeanne Schraf ------------------- Evolution of an Experiencer: Jeanne Schraf
Myrian Galler -------------------- Evolution of an Experiencer: Myrian Galler
Tina-Marie-Caouette ----------- Tina-Marie-Caouette-Restricted-Airspace-Contactee-The-Quantum-Shift-Hosted-By-Dr-Sam-Mugzzi-KCOR-Dig
Chris Wolford ------------------- Grant Cameron - Guest Chris Wolford
Bobbie Richardson (YouTube) - Spaced Out Radio March 1 18 Aliens Humanity With Bobbie Richardson
----------------------------------- How To Face A Reptilian Attack
Jim Andre --------------------- Jim Andre ET Abductee
-------------------------------- ALIEN ABDUCTEE INTERVIEW
Adrian Petrescu --------------- Adrian Petrescu Interview
Wes G. Roberts --------------- 08-04-19 - Wes G. Roberts on Aquarian Radio (Contact TV)
Osmo Lien --------------------- UFO contactee Osmo Liene
Dr. Delbert Blair --------------- Dr. Delbert Blair On His First Encounter With Black Extraterrestrials
Robert Taylor ----------------- 1979 the Close Encounter of Robert Taylor
Kris Moore --------------------- Kris Moore - Contactee, Truth Seeker and Activist
Liam Freaney ------------------ Liam Freaney – Australian UFO Researcher
--------------------------------- Liam Freaney – Australian UFO Researcher
Derrick Whiteskycloud and Sebastien Martin Two ET contactees share the synchronicity of their breathtaking experiences with Jonny Enoch
Derrick Whiteskycloud ------------------------- ET Contactee & Psychic Detective
Sebastien Martin ------------------------------- Sebastien Martin - Remote Viewing - Experiencer - ET Contact - NSUHO (Spaced Out Radio: 8/11/2018)
John Vivanco ----------------- John Vivanco (Psychic Spy) - ET Contact
-------------------------------- Remote Viewing Psychic Spy John Vivanco - Part 1, 2, 3 (1 & 2, and the 1st half of 3, are mostly about remote viewing)
Paul Shishis ------------------- Alien Abductee Has Seen Hundreds of UFOs: The Scarborough Sightings - part 1,2,3
-------------------------------- UFOria Chronicles the UFO Magnet Paul Shishis
Eric Mitchell ------------------- Eric Mitchell - Aliens - ET Contact - What it's really like! Listen!! (4/21/2021)
-------------------------------- Veritas Radio - 1 of 2 - Vox Populi: The Eric Mitchell Story
-------------------------------- Talking to a man who was abducted by Aliens
John Vasquez ----------------- MILITARY SOLDIER John Vasquez RE-LIVES The Ft. Benning UFO abduction Incident
--------------------------------- Rob McConnell Interviews: John Vasquez - Incident At Fort Benning, Georgia
Cmd. Sgt. Maj. James Norton - MILITARY MEN EXPOSE UFO DISCLOSURE at Fort Benning The Truth Denied Talk Radio
Dan Sherman ------------------ DAN SHERMAN: WAY ABOVE BLACK
Andrew Raz ------------------- Andrew Raz ~ 03/11/18 ~ Sacred Matrix ~ Revolution Radio ~ Hosts Janet & Sasha
--------------------------------- Free Disclosure Gift Project ~ The Amazing 4d life of Andrew Raz
--------------------------------- Andrew Raz – my contact experiences – honouring your truth at a time of transition
RA and Heather --------------- Experiencer Files : Mount Shasta real contact !
Joe Montaldo ------------------ Joe Montaldo - UFOs - Aliens - ET Contact - Experiencers - UFOs Are Here (11/17/2017)
--------------------------------- Joe Montaldo being interviewed on The Gut & Bone Show Topic alien abduction
Joe Ortiz ----------------------- Tonight ON UFO Undercover W/ Joe Montaldo Guest Alien Abductee Joe Ortiz talking about his contact
Kay Wilson --------------------- Ufo Undercover W Joe Montaldo Part 4 Of The Alien Abduction Special Tonight Kay Wilson Contactee
Jupiter ------------------------- Woman Is Visited by Aliens, Shadow People, and Ghosts
John Burroughs --------------- Grant Cameron Guest John Burroughs (of Rendlesham Forest Incident)
Lucretia Heart ----------------- Lucretia Heart / interview Hidden Experience Podbean 11/16/2010
Paul Sinclair -------------------- Intelligent Light Forms and Abduction PTSD tips February 11th, 2017
---------------------------------- Inside Outer Limits - Paul Sinclair
---------------------------------- Contactee Special Feature!
Missi Kerr Lamontagne -------- Missing Time: Alien Abductee Interviewed While UFO Observes
Hellen Sanderson -------------- UFO Undercover W Joe Montaldo Guest Hellen Sanderson Abductee 04 12 2017 No 3
Stephanie Bennetti & Leila ---- Joe Montaldo Show co-host Stephanie Bennetti and guest Leila talking about her Alien experiences
Bill Brooks ---------------------- UFO Undercover Joe Montaldo Bill Brooks & Joann with there new book 44 about his alien abduction
Arcturan Star ------------------- UFO Undercover w/ Joe Montaldo tonight's guest Arcturun star talking about her alien contacts
Joe ------------------------------ The Origin of Alien Abductions: Interview with a Contactee
Sebastian Bulos ----------------- Grant Cameron and Peruvian Contactee Sebastian Bulos
Randy Kitchur ------------------- Grant Cameron Interviews Experiencer Randy Kitchur
Nedra Gunn --------------------- Interview with an abductee Nedra Gunn part 1, 2
Janet Kira Lessin ----------------- Janet Kira Lessin - Don't Mention the Reptilians
----------------------------------- A UFO Contactee / Extraterrestrial Experiencer's Testimony
----------------------------------- Janet Kira Lessin: ETs told me "You are going to do something very important for humanity"
Malcolm ------------------------- Interview with an alien abductee
Gary Parker --------------------- Extraterrestrial Message with Gary Parker Podcast
Caleb Booker -------------------- Interview with an Abductee: Caleb Booker Podcast - part 1, 2
Rev James Jones --------------- Interview with an Abductee: Rev James Jones Podcast
Alena J. ------------------------- Interview with an Abductee: Alena J. Podcast
Adrian -------------------------- Interview with an Abductee: Adrian Anonymous Podcast
Christian S. --------------------  Interview with an Abductee: Christian S. Podcast
Chris ---------------------------  Experiencer Chris 'Hollywood Insider' shares his story Part 1, 2
Shari Levy & Athena Demetrios - Ron Reagan Show: UFOs (September, 1991) Part 2 
Agnes Toews-Andrews -------- Agnes Toews-Andrews ~ 02/07/19 ~ Aquarian Radio ~ Hosts Janet & Theresa
Robbert van den Broeke ---- ET Contactee speaks out about his ET experience and has EVIDENCE - Oct 1, 2017 
Nathan Tafoya --------------- NATHAN TAFOYA - Lifelong ET Contact Experiencer - Message For Humanity
------------------------------- Episode #116 - ET Experiencer Nathan Tafoya
Leroy Cunningham --------- Alien contactee part 1, 2
----------------------------- The different types alien entities you will encounter when u rise your vibrations.
Linn ------------------------- Bases 94-1 Linn a Nordic Contactee Session 1, 2, 3
Andre Perron --------------- Oct. 19/18 - The Paranormal - ET Conection with Andrea Perron
Ernie Sears ----------------- UFO Contactee Ernie Sears... Abductee ...Healer
Forrest Crawford ------------ Forrest Crawford on Flying a UFO, the Aliens inside, and viewing Nuclear Destruction
Anonymous ----------------- Grey Alien Abductee Contactee Testomonial 1imn voice clips on messanger
Terry Matthews ------------- Alien Abductee Terry Matthews Under Hypnosis
Bob Smith ------------------- Alien Abductee Bob Smith
Laury Power ---------------- Alien Abductee Laury Power
Connie Smith ---------------- Alien Abductee Connie Smith
Greg Godovitz --------------- Man Sees UFO from Airplane and Talks to Alien with 8-Inch Fingers
Josie ------------------------- Alien Abductee Reveals Her Ongoing UFO Abductions by Greys, Mantis Beings and City-Sized UFOs - part 1, 2
Chris Geo -------------------- My Contact with Arcturians and Grey Aliens - Beyond The Veil (Chris Geo and Sheree Geo)
Tony Bince ------------------- Grant Cameron with Experiencer on UFO sightings, Premonitions (Part 1, 2)
Alistair ------------------------ Bases 18 Sentient Fluid Session One, Two, Three, Four  
Phil Kava ---------------------- Veritas Radio - Phil Kava - 1 of 2 - On the Shoulders of Giants
Topic: UFO - Phil Kava - On the Shoulders Of Giants - HD 720P
The 'X' Zone Radio Show with Rob McConnell - Guest: PHIL KAVA
Victoria Liljenquist ------------ Victoria Liljenquist - Light Beings - California Mufon Radio
Ana Jamerson & Beth Collins - Alien Abductees Ana Jamerson & Beth Collins
Debbie Jordan ---------------- Alien Abductee Debbie Jordan
Mimi Nelson ------------------- Bases 75 Mimi Nelson Abductee parts 1&2
Chantelle Pyper --------------- The Tony Topping Show Ch4 Confessions of an Alien Abductee Guest Chantelle Pyper
Nancy Tremaine --------------- New Alien Evidence, Footprints in the Snow? Alien Abductee UFO Witness Nancy Tremaine BEAMS
--------------------------------- Ep. #379: Abducted w/ Nancy Tremaine & Lisa O’Hara
--------------------------------- NANCY TREMAINE - "Preordained" An Extraordinary UFO Contactee Experience
Elizabeth Robinson ------------- Alien Abductee Elizabeth Robinson
Calvin Parker ------------------- Alien Abductee Calvin Parker Extended Interview!
---------------------------------- Calvin Parker - Pascagoula - The Closest Encounter: My Story
Gigi Young ----------------------- The Galactic Slave Trade
----------------------------------- Zetas, Hybrid Children, and Abductions
----------------------------------- ET Timelines Atlantis UFOS & Sovereign Spirituality! Gigi Young & Dark Journalist
Bluebeard2011 ----------------- alien abduction experience and physical evidence
Max Grey and Bernice Carter --- Max Grey and Bernice Carter (2/4/2003)
John Lodge --------------------- John Lodge's Alien Abduction Experiences
Maren Mastin ----------------- Maren Mastin & Jeff Hosenfeld~Alien Contact Phenomenon
Timothy Cullen --------------- NIGHT DREAMS TALK RADIO 2 GUEST NIGHT! (part 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, of 12)
Jason Andrews --------------- Walking Between Worlds - Belonging to None - the Ann Andrews Story - Indigo Children!
------------------------------- Ann Andrews on A Fireside Chat Indigo Children 3rd, 2007
Maya -------------------------- Abducted 8-Month Pregnant Woman Wonders; “Is there a clone of my daughter?” (Maya)
Rachel Lewis ------------------ My Alien encounter just last night!!! Part 1, 2, 4
Adam -------------------------- UFO Sightings Inside An Extraterrestrial Space Ship! Abductee Shares His Experience!
Kyrie Fluffins ------------------ Alien Encounters - My Experiences, Why we don't see aliens? & Alien Gender Theory~!
Laurie McDonald -------------- Laurie McDonald (02-16-16) Abduction
-------------------------------- AAE tv | Transcending Space and Time | Laurie McDonald | 3.11.17
Kristina Florence -------------- Alien Abductee Kristina Florence Under Hypnosis
Sharon Filip -------------------- Alien Abductee Sharon Filip
Barbara Applegate ------------ Alien Abductee Barbara Applegate
Reece Jones ------------------- The Awakening: A Meeting With a Light Being?  - Part 1, 2
Philip Dorian -------------------- How I Began To Communicate With Angels And Light Beings
Candice ------------------------- Experiencer explains how to fly a UFO with Grant Cameron
Robert Arden Gunnell Jr. ------- Must Watch! Multiple Alien Abductions of Robert Arden Gunnell Jr.
Lea Kapiteli -------------------- Part Human, Part Alien. Lea, ET Contactee
Lea Kapiteli Atlantean Aftermath Off World Voyages 1/2

--------------------------------- Lea Kapiteli at the Star Family Conference 2018, Part 1, 2
Pat Jackson -------------------- Pat Jackson Andromedan & Arcturan Contactee 1/2
Benjamin Hulett ---------------- Topic: UFO - Benjamin Hulett - The Alien Illuminati - 720P HD
Dr. Norma Milanovich ---------- Dr. Norma Milanovich about her contact with The Arcturians
Ayako Sekino ------------------- Interview with Ayako Sekino
Marina Jacobi ------------------ Alien contact #1 Marina Jacobi
Reuben Langdon --------------- Reuben Langdon, Interview with ED.
Nora Harold -------------------- The Pleiadian Collective & Nora Herold on ExtraTerrestrial Contact
Lyssa Royal Holt --------------- Lyssa Royal Holt Interview
Zacariah ----------------------- Zacariah 1: on Pleiadians, Draconians, Reptilians and Greys. February 16, 2014
Margaret Schutz --------------- My Abduction Experience With My QHHT Session- Live Voice Recording Session
Trish Lee -------------------------- March 19/18 - Arcturian Contact with Trish Lee
Paulina Howfield ------------------ Paulina Howfield – ET's, Earth consciousness and the cosmic agenda.
Michael Savage -------------------- UFO Alien-Abductee Shares Secrets of The Alien Greys! 2017-2018
Nick Sands ------------------------- Bases 71 Nick Sands TI and CE5 witness Part 1, 2, 3, 4
Bob Mitchell ------------------------ Close Encounters of the Unusual Kind - Multipe ET Contacts - Bob Mitchell (MUFON researcher)
-------------------------------------- UFO Abduction: Taken by Grey Aliens 2016 - Bob Mitchell
Bill Brooks -------------------------- Ex Soldier's True Story of Nordic, Reptilian and Grey Alien Encounters
James Bartley ---------------------- James Bartley & Patricia Farrington. Alien Interference Episode 1 5/11/2017
-------------------------------------- James Bartley interview with Skywatcher Radio - Debra Jayne East
Lorena ------------------------------ Lorena Milab and Reptilian Experiences in the High Desert 1/2
Sue Plavetic Waters ---------------- Sue Plavetic Waters Medium ET Contactee & House Clearer 1/2
Robert Maxxim --------------------- Contactee Robert Maxxim Interview May 26, 2017
Kinich Ahu --------------------------- E.T. & UFO Contact Experiences featuring Kinich Ahu, Ariel & Chela
Suzanne Chancellor ----------------- Suzanne Chancellor - UFOs - ET Abduction - Experiencers - Abductee Awareness (7/4/2019)
--------------------------------------- Alien Contact Org 12-20-14-Suzanne (made with Spreaker) (12/20/2014)
Kevin Trimmel ----------------------- Kevin Trimmel ~ 01/31/18 ~ Experiencer's Network ~ Host Janet Kira Lessin
Tony Topping ------------------------ UFO Contactee Describes The Biggest Secret of Alien Encounters
Nassim Haramein -------------------- Physicist Nassim Haramein Reveals Extraterrestrial Contact in Interview
O ------------------------------------- "I Feel Like I Am Being Taken To A Craft”
Lilli Bendriss -------------------------- The Andromeda Galaxy, Star Gates, ET Contact - Lilli Bendriss
Emily Trim ---------------------------- Zimbabwe UFO Child Contactee Speaks Publicly For The 1st Time
Saryon Michael White ---------------- Saryon - ET Contact Experiences
--------------------------------------- Saryon - The Challenge of ET Contact
Kelly ---------------------------------- My First ET Contact Experience - 6 years Old
BernadetteMarie --------------------- My alien abduction story...
Chris Augustin ------------------------ Alien Abductee tells What Happens During 'Missing Time'
Betty Hill ------------------------------ The Lost Betty Hill Interview (Full Length)
Elizabeth April ------------------------ Young Experiencer Tells Her Alien Abduction Story
---------------------------------------- Elizabeth April~09/24/17~Sacred Matrix~ Hosts Janet Kira & Dr. Sasha Lessin
---------------------------------------- June 6/17 - The Spiritual You with Elizabeth April
Wes Roberts ------------------------- Abductee Describes Hybrid Program & Various ET Phenomena, Wes Roberts The Leak Project (3/17/2022)
Abductee Blows Whistle on Hybrid Program, Wes Roberts The Leak Project (3/16/2022)
Rare UFO Abduction: Inside A Burning Plane And Alien Structure - part 1, 2
Dr. Karla Turner --------------------- UfO Greys Abduction & Aliens: Dr Karla Turner Interview with Art Bell August 28, 1994 - Dreamland
Bret Oldham ------------------------- Alien Abductee Bret Oldham
Robert D. Miles ---------------------- Mr Robert D Miles - Producer of Fastwalkers & UFO Chronicles (Mac's UFO News / Season 4 Episode 3)
Irene Granchi ------------------------ UFO - Irene Granchi - Contatos Imediatos - part 1/2 (in spanish)
Peter Faust -------------------------- Rare Dr John Mack TV Appearance Part: 1
Margie Kay --------------------------- UFO And Paranormal Investigator / Experiencer
Jesse Davies -------------------------- Alien abduction story - Jesse Davies
Debbie Jordan Kauble ----------------- Alien Abductee Debbie Jordan Kauble , ET Hybrid Encounter
---------------------------------------- The Story Of The Intruders Continues
---------------------------------------- Budd Hopkin's Intruders Alien Abduction Debbie Jordan Kauble LIVE April 2015
Collette Peters ------------------------ Alien Abductee Collette Peters
Matt Moniz ---------------------------- Alien Abductee Matt Moniz
Rusty Hudson ------------------------  Alien Abductee Rusty Hudson
Sammy Hagar ------------------------ Sammy Hagar Abducted & the 9th Dimension
---------------------------------------- ROCK ICON SAMMY HAGAR DETAILS HIS ALIEN ABDUCTION EXPERIENCE (4/21/2022)
---------------------------------------- Sammy Hagar Alien and Ghost Dreams
Lupe Fiasco ---------------------------  Lupe Fiasco Recalls His Extraterrestrial Experience
Karin Austin & Aletta ------------------ Alien Abductees Karin Austin & Aletta
Debbie Steinberg & Cynthia Vodovoz - Alien Abductees Debbie Steinberg & Cynthia Vodovoz
Donna Thomas Lee & Will Bueche - Aliens Abductees Donna Thomas Lee & Will Bueche
Nancy Anderson & Elke Emmons - Alien Abductees Nancy Anderson & Elke Emmons
Jeanne Robinson & Cindy Doraty - Alien Abductees Jeanne Robinson & Cindy Doraty
Clare Holcomb & Diana Grave ---- Alien Abductees Clare Holcomb & Diana Grave
Steve Neill ----------------------- Alien Abductee Steve Neill
----------------------------------- Steve Neill But Something is There...
Jane Nelms ---------------------- Alien Abductee Jane Nelms
Mary Oscarson & David Jones --- Alien Abductees Mary Oscarson & David Jones
Lynda Jones & Elsie Oakensen -- Alien Abductees Lynda Jones & Elsie Oakensen
Elsie Oakensen ------------------ Elsie Oakensen UFO Encounter & Alien Abduction with Missing Time in 1978 - FindingUFO - add to one I have of her
John Velez ------------- Alien Abductee John Velez On Multiple-Witness Abduction Cases
Pat Mcguire ------------ Pat Mcguire ufo abduction hypnosis session
Michael Carter --------- Alien Abductee Michael Carter
William J. Konkelesky -- Alien Abductee William J .Konkolesky
Phillip Neuse ------------ Alien Abductee Phillip Neuse
Robert Matthews ------- Alien Abductee Robert Matthews
Dorothy Wallace -------- Alien Abductee Dorothy Wallace
Randall Nickerson ------- Alien Abductee Randall Nickerson
Glenda Nickerson ------- Alien Abductee Glynda Nickerson
Ellie Bryson -------------- Alien Abductee Ellie Bryson
Mabel White ------------- Alien Abductee Mabel White
Sarah & Pineshi --------- Alien Abductees Sarah & Pineshi
The Real Alien Abduction Story: Documentary on the Most Fascinating Case of Alien Abduction
Peter Khoury ------------ UFOs In Australia Bill Chalker And Peter Khoury 1999 UFOR
--------------------------- VUFOA TV Presents The Hair of Alien (3/24/2018)
Susan Moughton -------- Alien Abductee Susan Moughton
Joyce and Dan Ahrens -- Alien abductees Joyce Ahrens & Dan Ahrens
Korey Lavoie ------------ Korey Lavoie - 08/05/16 ~ Cosmic Beings and Citizens
Mary Munoz & Hannah Thoresen - MARY MUNOZ & HANNAH THORESEN
Leigh Thatcher --------- Leigh Thatcher, UFO Experiencer. guests Paranormal Peep Show 20th April 2017
Dr. Jason Rand --------- Dr.Rand & Robert Peppino (ET Contact) LNM Radio 06-26-17
Tom Dongo ------------- Tom Dongo (10-21-03) Mysteries of Sedona - The Bradshaw Ranch
George Kavasillas ------ George Kavasillas The God Entity Scam Fake Ascension 1/2
Mesheril Manyfeathers - Mesheril Manyfeathers Deceptive Ascended Masters 1/2
------------------------- Mesheril Manyfeathers Free Will or Free Choice 1/2 (interviewed by James Bartley)
Sachita ----------------- Sachita inside Reptilian and Military Bases 1/2
David Wargon ---------- Voices of the Alien Abductees David Wargon Soul Cylinders 1/2
David Dunger ----------- David Dunger ET Experiences and Seeker of Truth 1/2
KeithAZ ----------------- KeithAZ Lyran Contactee Encounters with Greys and Mantids
Terrell Copeland -------- Terrell Copeland, Marine Corps Veteran & E.T. Experiencer.
John Salter Jr. ---------- The Mysterious UFO Abduction Incident with John Salter Jr. and his Son in 1988 - Finding UFO
Paula Thorneycroft ----- The Paula Thorneycroft Experience Part 1, 2
Kristian Moore -- Interview with a Male Alien Hybrid Breeding Program Abductee Kristian Moore – Part 1, 2
Jane Pooley ----- Interview with a Female Alien Hybrid Breeding Program Abductee Jane Pooley – Part 1, 2, 3
------------------ The Woman Who Claims She Was Abducted By Aliens | Studio 10
Tom Montalk ---- Tom Montalk Occult Mimicry of Alien Contact 1/2
------------------ Radio 3Fourteen - Tom Montalk - Alien Agendas, The Physics of Reality & Etheric Energy
------------------ Veils Afire - Overview of the Alien Presence w/ Montalk - Episode 1, Episode 2, Episode 3 
David Eckhart --- David Eckhart discusses alien encounters | Open Minds Radio
------------------ David Eckhart - Alien Abductee / Experiencer - Arcane Radio - Part I, II
Dale Harder ------ May 15/17 - UFOs & Aliens with Dale Harder
Todd Jumper ----- My Close Encounters - Radio Interview by Jeff Rense - 1999 HD
Alec Newald ------ Alien Civilizations Exist, the Man Who Lived with Extraterrestrials for 10 Days
Alec Newald: "The True Story of a Man Taken for Ten Days To an Extraterrestrial Civilization"
Ricardo Gonzalez - Contact with the Apunian Nordic Alien Beings From the Future
Alex Christopher - an alien abduction account by Alex Christopher
Aaron Evans ----- Topic: UFO - Todays Guest Aaron Evans - Alien Abduction in Muskegon - Part 1, 2
John Toastee ----- John Toastee interview on Whitley Strieber's Website
Lauren Kurth------ Lauren Kurth – my contactee experience, what it really means to connect with ET's
Joshua Bina ------- Aliendisc.net Interview with Joshua Bina on UFO's and the universe.
Mujin Choy -------- Arcturian Update 2017 - Telepathic Healing - Mujin Choi - Aliendisc.net
Chela Cooley ------ Chela Cooley and Marshall Venn Alien Contactee Interview - Aliendisc.net
Mr. White ---------- Contactee Interview with Mr White by A-93 Investigators
John Smith --------- Aliendisc John Smith UFO Contactee Interview [HD]
Billy ---------------- Report of a Contactee: My First Experience With The Greys
--------------------- My Experience With Reptilians
Lisa ---------------- "These Beings Came Through The Walls" - My First ET Contact
Flora --------------- Strange Alien Contactee Experiences in the Andes, Peru
Sebastian Martin --- Ep. 588 FADE to BLACK Jimmy Church w/ Sebastien Martin : Galactic Federation : LIVE
--------------------- Ep. 593 FADE to BLACK FADERNIGHT w/ Jon Rappoport, Sebastien Martin P2 : LIVE
--------------------- BTS #65 Sebastien Martin, Experiencer and Consciousness Advocate
Kat King -------------------  Bases Update 10 Part Two:- A&S Kat King Abductions
----------------------------  Were They Aliens, Angels or ?????? Kat King - part 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
Peter Robbins -------------   Peter Robbins 04-07-2015 ALIEN ABDUCTION ON A PERSONAL NOTE?
Andrew Bartzis ------------  Andrew Bartzis & Lance White - Our Galactic History - part 1, 2, 3, 4
Geoffrey Faulkner ---------  Late Night In The Midlands 01-27-2014 (Geoffrey Faulkner) ET, Visions & NDE
Audrey Starborn Hewins --- Audrey Starborn Hewins Alien Abductee/Master Healer/Founder Starborn Support
---------------------------------- Audrey Mewins - Starborn Support with Audrey Mewins (Space Out Radio: 6/28/2016)
---------------------------------- Spirit Radio the Paranormal Experience 8-9-14 Audrey Hewins
Rob ------------------------  ET First Contact Radio with ROB: ET UFO Contactee / Abductee
Judy Satori ----------------- Judy Satori on ET-FIRST-CONTACT RADIO 20 dec 2012
Paul Hamden -------------- Jan7th 2017 Paul Hamden Alien Contactee
---------------------------- Jan 8th 1st hour Alien Contactee Paul Hamden- 2nd hour Call In Psychic Readings
Kendra Jones -------------- KGRA Starborn Radio - Michael Melton and Julia Weiss with Guest: Kendra Jonas
James West --------------- Jan. 2/16 - ET Contact with James West
Allison Yellowknee --------- Oct. 12/16 - A Life of ET Contact with Allison Yellowknee
Diane Tessman ------------ Abductions, A Walk-In And An Amazing Psychic - Diane Tessman And Maria D'Andrea
Zion Zeta ----------------- Aug. 1/16 - Experiencing Contact with Zion Zeta
Rev. John Polk ------------ Ep. 395 FADE to BLACK Jimmy Church w/ Rev. John Polk
Thomas Reed ------------- Evidence of Multi-Generational Alien Abductions - Thomas Reed - Alien UFO Radio
Devara Thunderbeat ------ June 23/16 - ET Contact with Devara Thunderbeat
Ron Amitron ------------------ Conscious Life Expo 2011 - Alien Timelines & Their Effect on Us
Kelvin Curnow -------------- Encounters with Arcturian Extraterrestrials
Derrick Faust ---------------- Interdimensional Beings With Contactee Derrick Faust
------------------------------ Dec 11th 2016 Derrick Faust Multidimensional Experiencer 
Maryann Rada -------------- ET First Contact Radio with Maryann Rada
Barry Littleton --------------- Ufo Alien Contact | Chosen by Extraterrestrials | INSIDE UFO'S
------------------------------ James Gilliland & Barry Littleton ~ ET Contactee, Current Events & ECETI Conference
------------------------------ ET Encounters and Alien Technology - Are WE Being Powered Up?
Dr. Angela Thompson Smith - Ep.190 FADE to BLACK Jimmy Church with Dr. Angela Thompson Smith
-------------------------------- Voices From the Cosmos 7-25-2014
Jim Weiner and Chuck Foltz - Experiencers Speak 2 - Jim Weiner and Chuck Foltz part 1, 2 
Alan Godfrey ---------------- 1980 - UK UFO Wave - Alan Godfrey
Jerry Wills ------------------  Jerry Wills, International UFO conference, Bergen, Norway 2014 part - 1, 2
------------------------------ Jerry Wills on VERITAS Radio | Extraterrestrials Among US | Segment 1 of 2
Gloria Hawker --------------- UFOW-1144D
Charles Hickson ------------  Into The Unknown: The Pascagoula UFO Alien Abductions
Dan Sherman ---------------- ET Contact Government Cover Up by Dan Sherman
Joseph Cerletti -------------- INTENSE! Hypnosis, Alien Abduction by Tall White ETs
Gordon James Gianninoto --- Extraterrestrial Contactee 04-14-2014
-------------------------------- ET CONTACT! 2nd Hypnosis w Solreta Antaria
James Gilliland -------------- Alien Contactee Interview - James Gilliland
------------------------------ James Gilliland and Enlightened Contact with Extraterrestrial Intelligences (2/6/2016)
Erica Goetsch --------------- Dale After Dark: Erica Goetsch~Lost Time and ET Contactee
Julien Wells ----------------- Pleiadian Talk with host Rocken Larry Locken and the great Pleiadian Contactee Julien Wells!!!
Marc Brinkerhoff ------------ Massive Spaceship Over NYC - Disclosure is Now - Lifetime Contactee - Images - Marc Brinkerhoff
Tina Marie Caouette -------- Tina Marie Caouette Restricted Airspace Contactee The Quantum Shift Hosted By Dr Sam Mugzzi     KCOR Dig
Michael Lee Hill ------------- Contactee Michael Lee Hill - 2014 Star Knowledge Conference Speaker!
Judy Carroll ----------------- The Zeta Message with ET contactee Judy Carroll and Betsey Lewis
                  ----------------- Suzanne Chancellor interviews Australian author and contactee Judy Carroll
Yasmin Joyner and Fausto Perez - UFO Planet + Contactee Interviews - Yasmin Joyner and Fausto Perez
David Armstrong ------ ET Contactee David Armstrong on Healing Conversations
Charis Melina Brown -- Awakening to Alien Presence Through a Contactee's Eyes
Pane Andov ----------- Other Worlds - Pane Andov - Contactee 2016 HD
Enrique Villanueva ---- Enrique Villanueva Interview by Paola Harris
Kimberly Busselar ------ Disclosure, Chronicles of a Lifetime Contactee & The Paranormal Kimberly Busselar
Nadira Duran ---------- UFO Contactee NO To The New World Order - Chronicles Of The Ancient - Nadira Duran
Lea Kapitel ----------------- Lea Kapitel - Contactee and Starseed
Colleen Thomas ---------- Colleen Thomas - Pleiadian Disclosure: History of the World and the ET Connection
Peter Maxwell Slattery - Confirmation - The Peter Maxwell Slattery Story - Documentary
------------------------- Pete's full Regression with Mary Rodwell on the 22nd of July 2013
Steve Jones ------------- Steven Jones (05-17-11) The Life & Times of an ET Contact Experiencer
Chad and Alta Dillard - Alien Abduction Encounters of Chad, and Alta Dillard: True Story of Alien Contact | Paranormal Radio
Betty Andreasson Luca & Bob Luca - Andreasson alien abduction w/ Grant Cameron on Dr J Radio LIVE
                                                   - The Watchers : The Secret Design Behind UFO Abduction    
Kelly Cahill -------------- 1993 #UFOB [CASE] Interview with Kelly Cahill, Australian abductee (1997)
Christina Knowles ------ Interview with Christina Knowles & Angel Espino, Jan 21, 2015
Judy Carroll ------------ The Zeta Message with Judy Carroll and Bernard Alvarez
Jim Sparks ------------- Art Bell Radio - Alien Abduction
Elizabeth Anglin -------- Elizabeth Anglin - abductee/experiencer (Profound States: 10/10/2022)
-------------------------- Nov. 23, 2015, 10pm (PST) - Alien Abduction with Author Elizabeth Anglin
--------- April 24/16 - ET Abduction with Author Elizabeth Anglin
Douglas Taylor --------- DOUGLAS TAYLOR #ET #Contactee, #UFO #Extraterrestrial Stories, Dare to Dream Podcast
-------------------------- Douglas Taylor (03-20-07) The Soulic Journey of a UFO Experiencer
-------------------------- Starseed Awakening Radio Serena & Doug Taylor

-------------------------- ALIEN ABDUCTEE Douglas Taylor - Amazing Story of Alien Abduction
Bridget Nielsen (YouTube) - AAE TV Human Hybrid Races Bridget Nielsen 11.28.15
                                        - Hybrid Children Community
Bonnie Meyer ---------- Bonnie Meyer: Alien Contact - Messages of Hope (XI Experiencer Interviews: 1/15/2023)
-------------------------- Bonnie Piloted a UFO and had 3 NDEs Where She Encountered Jesus (Jeff Mara Podcast: 1/2022)
Rev. Frank E. Stranges   Valiant Thor - A Venusian At The Pentagon [Rev. Frank E. Stranges]
Kay McCullock ---------- Kay McCullock UFO Experiencer - Shares some of her experiences. UFORQ
Lesley Mitchell-Clarke -- Lesley Mitchell-Clarke (YouTube)
Kendall Falk ------------ Abductions & The Paranormal, Reptilians, Greys, Nordics, Contactee Kendall Falk
Hilary Porter ------------ AMMACH Witness Hilary Porter
Derrick Whiteskycloud -- ET Contactee & Psychic Detective - Derrick Whiteskycloud
Phil Coseski ------------- Orion Contactee 2013 Update- Part-1
Craig Jacocks ----------- Aware of the E.T. Presence with Author Craig Jacocks
--------------------------  UFO Undercover w/ Joe Montaldo contactee #12 Craig Jacocks contactee
Corina Saebels --------- UFO Undercover W/ Joe Montaldo Guest Katarina talking about her abductions
Gerry Battles ----------- Bases 64 part 1 Irish Alien Abductee Gerry Battles
Dr. Michael Wolf --------- Dr Wolf Top Secret UFO Disclosure
Herbert Schirmer ------- Police Officer Abducted By Aliens UFOs Herbert Schirmer Conference 1967
Mark Sims --------------- Mark Sims: ET Contact and Universal Consciousness
Jim Bowden ------------- THE RINGER: An Extraterrestrial Proving Ground & Alien Mind Control
Grant Haygood ---------- Grant Haygood - Expect The Unexpected
Eugene Braxton --------  June 1/16 - NDEs, OBEs and ETs with Eugene Braxton
Sandy Corcoran --------  Extraterrestrials Contactee and Shamanic Awakening - Sandy Corcoran
Chad Meek  -------------- Alien Abductee Chad Meek; Author of Giant Rock and Nephew of George Van Tassel
Tara --------------------- Tara 1st Hypnotherapy Session, UFO abduction recalled under hypnosis 
Shirley ------------------- Shirley's UFO Abduction - Aliens | Alien Abduction
Jim ----------------------- Paranormal Into The Night Interview Alien Contactee Jim
Maria --------------------- True UFO Contactee Encounters
Sheri --------------------- Tolec speaks with Sheri an amazing Arcturian Contactee
Tolec --------------------- Tolec with Lisa Harrison - Andromedan Council contactee
John --------------------- Terrified Alien Abductee Relives his Abduction on Camera

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