Healing Articles


Electronic Or Magnetic Stimulation


Alternative medicine treatment using pulsing magnetic device may offer benefits for some MS patients (4/10/97)

Bone Stimulation Specifics

Medicare Coverage Policy Decisions Electrical Stimulation for Fracture Healing

The First FDA Approved External Bone Growth Stimulator for Spine Fusion Enhancement

Applied Electric Fields in the Treatment of Bone Fractures by Sally House

Healing Bone with Electromagnetic Therapy by Kate Clark

Medicinal EMFs: How electromagnetic fields aid in reducing bone loss and improving bone growth by Janet Raloff 10/13/99
(Science News)

Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation: Applications in Neuropsychiatry by Mark S. George, MD; Sarah H. Lisanby, MD; Harold A. Sackeim, PhD

The Electro-Stimulation Story


Magnetic Therapy: Plausible Attraction? July 1998 (Skeptical
Electromedical Technology

Offers Non-Invasive Treatment Options

Bone Growth Stimulation


Electrical Bone Growth Stimulation

bone growth stimulators

Bone Growth Stimulation

Electrical Bone Growth Stimulators

Double-Blind Study Shows Magnet Therapy Eases Severe Depression was completed at the Technion-Israel Institute of Technology.

Stimulating Bone Growth by Sabine Kremp (Scan down to the bottom of this page to find this article.)

Pacific: Magnetic appeal: New therapy that fights depression sparks current of optimism.  (Seattle Times 3/27/01) The web page for the study, at the University of Washington Warren G. Magnuson Health Sciences Center, should you qualify to participate, is the University of Washington Health Sciences Research Studies Seeking Volunteers.



The Mind / Body Connection


This study (in the two links below) was published in Environmental Health Perspectives, Volume 109, October 2001. The authors are Rosalind J. Wright and Suzanne F. Steinbach.


Biofeedback therapy shows ailing patients why the mind matters

Asthma Seen Linked to Violence in Inner Cities

Violence: An Unrecognized Environmental Exposure that May
Contribute to Greater Asthma Morbidity in High Risk Inner-City Populations (abstract)

Study is first to confirm link between exercise and changes in brain

Cognitive Behavioral Stress Management and Secondary Prevention in HIV/AIDS

Expressing anger may protect against stroke and heart disease

Social, Sexual and Racial Factors Impact Risk for Heart Disease is an article on the health risks of hostility.
Cool head leads to longevity, says study
Longer life? Put on a happy face Study says pessimists die sooner than optimists. 2/8/00 (msnbc.com)

Heart Patient Depression Linked to Blood Pressure Control (Duke Univ.)

Talk therapy can help schizophrenics

Social Stress Causes Dormant Herpes Virus to Resurface in Mice
Marital tiffs spark immune swoon

Study suggests that "mental well-being profoundly influences bodily health."

Depression Is a Risk Factor for Coronary Artery Disease in Men
Stress management a key to reducing heart attack risk



Homeopathic tablets proved to be significantly more effective at controlling snoring than a placebo, according to a double blind study in the journal Sleeping and Breathing.


Big Business, Big Money, Big Government and Corruption

Medical study casts doubt on US supremacy (5/4/04)

ASPARTAME and JOINT PAIN For further information on this subject check out Betty Martini's web page at dorway.com.

AARP Attacks Dr. Day!
Psychiatric drug use up sharply for kids

The Doors Of Perception: Why Americans Will Believe Almost Anything

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