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“The price good men pay for indifference
to public affairs is to be ruled by evil
men.” ― Plato
"Impossible is just a big word thrown
around by small men who find it easier
to live in a world they've been given
than to explore the power they have to
change it. Impossible is not a fact.
It's an opinion. Impossible is
potential. Impossible is temporary.
Impossible is nothing." - Muhammad Ali
“Illegal aliens have always been a
problem in the United States. Ask any
Indian.” - Robert Orben
“Before our white brothers arrived to
make us civilized men, we didn't have
any kind of prison. Because of this, we
didn't have any delinquents. Without a
prison, there can't be no delinquents.
We had no locks nor keys therefore among
us there were no thieves. When someone
was so poor that he couldn't afford a
horse, a tent or a blanket, he would, in
that case, receive it all as a gift. We
were too uncivilized to give great
importance to private property. We
didn't know any kind of money and
consequently, the value of a human being
was not determined by his wealth. We had
no written laws laid down, no lawyers,
no politicians, therefore we were not
able to cheat and swindle one another.
We were really in bad shape before the
white man arrived and I don't know how
to explain how we were able to manage
without these fundamental things that
(so they tell us) are so necessary for a
civilized society.”
― John (Fire) Lame Deer
"Never, never be afraid to do what's
right, especially if the well-being of a
person or animal is at stake. Society's
punishments are small compared to the
wounds we inflict on our soul when we
look the other way."
-- Martin Luther King Jr. |
Five States Are Voting Whether to Outlaw
Slavery (Yep, You Read That Right): The
nearly 160-year-old ‘slavery
loophole’ has allowed incarcerated
people to work for pennies or no wage at
Violence after the Civil War, 1865-1876 |
The Racist War on Drugs
"The Nixon campaign in 1968, and the
Nixon White House after that, had two
enemies: the antiwar Left, and black
people. You understand what I’m saying?
We knew we couldn’t make it illegal to
be either against the war or black. But
by getting the public to associate the
hippies with marijuana and blacks with
heroin, and then criminalizing both
heavily, we could disrupt those
communities. We could arrest their
leaders, raid their homes, break up
their meetings, and vilify them night
after night on the evening news. Did we
know we were lying about the drugs? Of
course we did." -
John Ehrlichman, Counsel and Assistant
to President Nixon
Disrupting Demographics: Nixon’s War on
Drugs (5/16/2015)
Smoke and Mirrors: The War on Drugs and
the Politics of Failure:
Chapter One: A Question of
If Addiction is a Disease, Why is It Criminal? Maia Szalavitz
Envisions a Compassionate Drug Policy (3/30/2016)
Unbroken Brain: A Revolutionary New Way
of Understanding Addiction by Maia
The Biology of Desire: Why Addiction Is
Not a Disease
"2 Steps Forward, 1 Step Back": Will Obama's New Opioid Proposal
Continue the Failed War on Drugs? (3/30/2016)
Curbing pain prescriptions won't reduce overdoses. More drug
treatment will (The Guardian: 3/29/2016) |
No Consequences For Rape
"Audrie & Daisy": Mother of Audrie Pott,
Teen Who Committed Suicide After
Assault, Tells Her Story (1/29/2016)
Maryville Rape Survivor Daisy Coleman
Meets Mom of Teen Who Killed Herself
After Similar Ordeal (1/29/2016)
There Aren't Enough Answers in the
Maryville Rape Case (10/15/2013)
Family Driven from Maryville, Missouri
Home After Daughter's Rape by Student
Athlete (10/14/2013)
Family Driven from Maryville, MO Home
After Daughter's Rape by Student Athlete
How Bad Is 'Viral' Rape Shame? It Pushes
Teenage Girls into Killing Themselves
Investigate Robert Rice, Sheriff Darrin
White, and evidence used (petition) |
Prison Injustice
Major Pages
ACLU National
Prison Project |
Demos |
Kids for Cash
Kids for Cash Scandal (wiki) |
Pennsylvania rocked by 'jailing kids for cash' scandal
(2/24/09) |
Other Prison Injustice
Angola Three (wiki) |
Family of Samuel Harrell, Killed by
"Beat Up Squad" in NY Prison, Holds
Hunger Strike for Justice
"This Man Will Almost Certainly Die":
The Secret Deaths of Dozens at
Privatized Immigrant-Only Jails
‘This Man Will Almost Certainly Die’:
Dozens of men have died in disturbing
circumstances in privatized,
immigrant-only prisons. The Bureau of
Prisons itself says there’s a problem.
And yet the privatization scheme
continues. (THE NATION: 1/28/2016)
Accused of Stealing a Backpack, High
School Student Jailed for Nearly Three
Years Without Trial (Democracy Now:
Before the Law: A boy was accused of
taking a backpack. The courts took the
next three years of his life. (The
New Yorker)
Study: At Least 1 in 25 Death Row
Inmates Innocent
Rate of false conviction of criminal
defendants who are sentenced to death
Why does America have such a big prison population?
More Mentally Ill Persons Are in Jails and Prisons Than
Hospitals: A Survey of the States |
Treating Humans Worse Than Animals: Prison System Voices Decry
Solitary Confinement of Mentally Ill
PART 2: Calls Grow to Release Aging People from Prison Who Pose
No Public Safety Threat
Time for Compassion? Aging Political Prisoners Suffer From
Illness, Decades in Solitary Confinement
"If the Risk Is Low, Let Them Go": Elderly Prison Population
Skyrockets Despite Low Risk to Society
"There are about 100 political prisoners in various prisons
across the United States."
Texas prosecutor to serve 10 days for innocent man's 25-year
Prisoners of Profit (Huffington Post)
Freed by DNA, Angola Prisoner Henry James on His 30 Years Behind
Bars for Crime He Didn’t Commit
Decades in Solitary Confinement,
Then Death in Freedom
Solitary in Iran Nearly Broke Me. Then I Went Inside America's
Prisons. |
Other Injustice
Documents show how 19 ‘Cop City’
activists got charged with terrorism
The Dangers of Linking Gun Violence and
Mental Illness
As UN Torture Committee Probes Vatican,
Sex-Abuse Survivors Urge Church to End
Decades-Long Cover-up (5/8/14)
Survivors Network of those Abused by Priests
Who Goes to Jail? Matt Taibbi on American Injustice Gap from
Wall Street to Main Street
Retiring SEC Attorney: Regulators "Tentative and Fearful" in
Pursuing Wall Street
Wrongfully Convicted Black Prisoner Freed After 25 Years
"Cesar’s Last Fast": How Cesar Chavez Risked Death to Protect
the Lives of Farm workers He Championed
The Proclamation
The New Jim Crow: Mass Incarceration in the Age of
Shows featuring Michelle Alexander
Gangster Bankers: Too Big to Jail: How HSBC hooked up with drug
traffickers and terrorists. And got away with it
Judge Rules NYPD "Stop and Frisk" Unconstitutional, Cites
"Indirect Racial Profiling"
Texas Student: After Reporting Rape, I Was Accused of "Public
Lewdness," Sent to Disciplinary School
Chicago torture saga grows, victim released from prison after 31
Man locked up 40 years in D.C. mental
hospital for $20 necklace theft breaks
(11/11/2014) |
Corporate Corruption and
Predatory Capitalism
Monsanto Papers - Four Corners investigates the secret
tactics used by global chemical giant Monsanto to protect its
billion-dollar business and its star product, the weed killer,
Regulations, Hello Impending Global
Financial Crisis
The 5 Most Toxic Energy Companies...and How They Control Our
Inside the Koch Brothers' Toxic Empire
JEFFREY GRUPP on Coast To Coast AM: The Cage of Corporatism
The $9 Billion Witness: Meet JPMorgan
Chase's Worst Nightmare
Luxembourg Leaks: Global Companies' Secrets Exposed
The Scary New Evidence on BPA-Free Plastics
Are Any Plastics Safe? Industry Tries to Hide Scary New Evidence
on BPA-Free Bottles, Containers
Those BPA-free plasics you thought were safe? Think again.
Stink Tanks
Alec Exposed
The Other 98 Percent
Shows featuring Lisa Graves
Shows featuring David Cay Johnston
Catherine Ruetschlin on Democracy Now
The COP19 Guide to Corporate Lobbying The Biggest Tax Scam Ever
Brazil's Dance with the Devil: The World Cup, The Olympics, and the
Fight For Democracy
Arundhati Roy (videos)
The Beautiful and the Damned: A Portrait of the New India
Striking Workers, Bangladeshi Activist Challenge Wal-Mart on
Labor Conditions at Stores & Factories
ALEC’s "Institutional Corruption," From Backing Apartheid to
Assault on Clean Energy, Public Sector
ALEC calls for penalties on 'freerider' homeowners in assault on
clean energy
Fast Food CEOs Rake in Taxpayer-Subsidized Pay
As Workers Strike Against Low Wages, Fast-Food CEOs Fatten
Pockets with Taxpayer-Subsidized Pay
Shows featuring Sarah Anderson
- The Institute For Policy
PUBLIC COSTS: How Low Wages at Top Fast-Food Chains Leave
Taxpayers Footing the Bill
Wall Street’s Land Grab: Firms Amass Rental Empire, Ousting
Tenants & Threatening New Housing Crisis
Foreclosed: Black America and the Fight for a Place to Call Home
Laura Gottesdiener, Fantasy, Greed, and Housing, the Prequel |
Police State
New SWAT Documents Give Snapshot of Ugly Militarization of U.S.
90-year-old Florida man faces jail for feeding the homeless
Police Search are Needed Says Warrants "Stingrays" Court But Cell phones,
to Workaround: Nathan Freed Wessler on Stingrays
Democracy Now: Search: Stingray
ACLU challenges 'stingray surveillance' that allows police to track
cell phones Civil liberties activists asking federal court to disallow evidence
obtained by technology that mimics a genuine cell phone tower
ACLU: Stingray tracking
Stingray Tracking Devices: Who's Got Them? |
Other Police State News
The Internet’s Own Boy: Film on Aaron Swartz Captures Late
Activist’s Struggle for Online Freedom
As a gay parent I must flee Russia or lose my children: Draconian
new laws brand homosexuals second-class citizens in Putin's regime
Coleen Rowley on How Top Secret America
A Federal Court Approved Chevron's
Request for Activists' Data
Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court
System Is Flawed, Former Judge Says (7/9/13)
The Strange Case of Barrett Brown
Police State Links... |
Police Injustice
Chokeholds, Brain Injuries, Beatings: When School Cops Go Bad
In Historic Police Brutality Case, Family of Homeless Denver
Pastor Killed in Custody Awarded $4.6M (10/17/14)
Ferguson Crackdown Sparks Review of Police Militarization that
Mainly Targets Communities of Color
(Democracy Now)
WAR COMES HOME: The Excessive Militarization of American
New York Police Killing of Eric Garner Spurs Debate on
Chokeholds & Filming Officer Misconduct (8/5/14)
DOJ: Most Fatal Shootings by Albuquerque Police were
Justice Dept. Accuses Albuquerque Police of Excessive Force
The NYPD Tapes: Inside Bed-Stuy's 81st Precinct |
Suspect Down
Shows Featuring Vince Warren
The "Bounty" Police Force? Albuquerque Officers Face Protests, Probe
over Spate of Fatal Shootings
Communities United For Police Reform
Shooting of Amadou Diallo
NYPD Officer Risks His Job to Speak Out Against "Stop-and-Frisk"
Targeting of People of Color
Deadly 911 Calls: NYPD Kills African Immigrant Student Inside Home
After Mother Calls for Ambulance
Police Brutality, Mental Illness and ‘The Memphis Model’
Unjust Sentencing
A Victory over Justice System’s Failure: Wrongly Convicted Brothers
Freed After 31 Years in Prison (9/4/14)
An Outlier for Arrest Warrants (8/14/2014)
The Prosecution Gap: Corporate Polluters Rarely Criminally Charged for
Violating Environmental Law (7/15/2014)
Environmental Crime: The Prosecution Gap
Louisiana Incarcerated: Angola warden Burl Cain speaks about the IMMORALITY of mandatory sentencing laws. |
A Living Death: Life Without Parole for Nonviolent Offenses
Jailed for Life for Stealing a $159 Jacket? 3,200 Serving Life
Without Parole for Nonviolent Crimes
Louisiana Incarcerated: Angola warden Burl Cain
speaks about the IMMORALITY of mandatory sentencing laws.
A Living Death: Life Without Parole for Nonviolent Offenses
Jailed for Life for Stealing a $159 Jacket? 3,200 Serving Life
Without Parole for Nonviolent Crimes |
Continuing School Segregation
Segregation Now: Investigating America's Racial Divide |
Jim Crow in the Classroom: New Report Finds Segregation Lives on
in U.S. Schools
(4/23/14) |
Honduran Refugees
The Thugocracy Next Door |
Who's Responsible for the Flight of
Honduran Children? |
U.S. Turns Back on Child Migrants After
Its Policies in Guatemala, Honduras
Sowed Seeds of Crisis |
America's Own Black Site
Exporting Torture: Former Chicago Police
Detective Tied to Brutality at
Guantánamo (Democracy Now: 2/26/2015)
A Black Site in Chicago? Police Accused
of Running Secret Compound for
Detentions & Interrogations
(Democracy Now: 2/26/2015) |
The disappeared: Chicago police detain
Americans at abuse-laden 'black site'
(The Guardian: 2/24/2015)
Bad lieutenant: American police
brutality, exported from Chicago to
(The Guardian: 2/18/2015) |
Chicago Torture Justice Memorials (CTJM)
aims to honor and to seek justice for
the survivors of Chicago police torture,
their family members and the African
American communities affected by the
torture. Chicago has paid at least 64
million dollars in settlements related
to this torture. |
Child Labor |
Big Tobacco’s Child
Workers: Young Laborers Endure Health
Risks, Harsh Conditions on U.S. Farms
(Democracy Now: 9/6/14)
Children Don’t
Belong in Tobacco Fields
(N.Y. Times 5/17/14)
Tobacco's Hidden Children |
Hazardous Child Labor in United States
Tobacco Farming (Human Rights Watch: 5/2014)
Just 13, and Working Risky 12-Hour
Shifts in the Tobacco Fields
US: Child Workers
in Danger on Tobacco Farms (Human Rights
Watch: 5/14/2014) |
Oil Company Corruption |
Fracking the Eagle Ford Shale: Big Oil & Bad Air on the Texas
Prairie |
Corroding Our Democracy: Canada Silences Scientists, Targets
Environmentalists in Tar Sands Push |
Toxic Waste Dumping |
Toms River: How a Small Town Fought Back Against Corporate
Giants for Toxic Dumping Linked to Cancer |
Toms River: A Story of Science and Salvation |
Whistle Blowers |
The Government Accountability Project |
Another U.S. Whistleblower Behind Bars? Investor Jailed After
Exposing Corrupt Azerbaijani Oil Deal (10/15/13) |